Omise API Tool developing for making user to be more convenient calling Omise API in some scenarios developed by Python. This repository uses pipenv to manage all dependencies from Pipfile.
- Python 3.7.3
- Pipfile
Copy environment file
to .env
according to your environment and add necessary values.
Initiate virtual environment and generate Pipfile and Pipfile.lock by running:
pipenv lock
Install dependencies and get into virtual environment.
pipenv install && pipenv shell
Pipenv will automatically loads environment varibles from .env
if they exist.
Python script for generating token, create customer with card then create first charge
>>> import omise
>>> python
Python script for creating amount of charges as you want
>>> import omise
>>> python {customer} {charges_amount}
Python script for creating amount of cards as you want
>>> import omise
>>> python {customer} {cards_amount}