Check out the project to see the full backlog of features and the current features being worked on.
For the next version I will be working on:
- Fixing the bug that sometimes does not detect a winning condition
- Adding a dialog that displays the bots chosen move when playing a bot
- Adding a tutorial mode using Swing Tool tips
I chose to build this project to improve my Java skills, practice building a User interface and practice using Artifical intelligence Algorithms. The motivation for choosing the game 5-Straight was simply because it was unique. I am not aware of any implementations of this game, which would force me to build it from scratch.
This is built with Java, Java core API's and Swing.
The official game rules can be found here:
- To start the game, checkout the latest version branch
- run
java -jar out/artifacts/5straight/5straight.jar
Beginning with Version 3, I am using Gitflow to develop this project.
- Main contains the latest stable version
- Devel contains the latest unstable version
Historical Branches (Not maintained)
- version-1
- version-2
- version-3
package game
- Contains the game board, card deck, and game classes
package player
- Contains Abstract and concrete classes used to build AI players
package ui
- Contains ui components
package gui
- Combines all of the components into a Swing application
As of version-3, JavaDoc has been added to the project.
From src/main/java directory, run javadoc -d <path to docs directory> game gui ui player