Meet AI Newsie - your personalized GPT-powered bot that delivers daily newsletters tailored to your interests. The bot is powered by the NYT API, GPT-3-Turbo, Sendgrid API, and it is built to run on AWS Lambda. It even transcribes your newsletter to a speech recording so you can listen to it on the go.
To use the bot, one would need the following:
- A Sendgrid API key - for sending emails
- A NYT API key - For grabbing news stories
- An OpenAI API Key - For processing and summarizing the news stories
- An AWS account:
- For access to AWS Polly (text-to-speech) and
- AWS Lambda (deploying the bot)
- Sign up for Sendgrid and setup a sender identity and take note of your sendgrid sender email address. The most straightforward verfication route is Single Sender Verification.
- After setting up a sender identity, create an API key by navigating to Settings -> API Keys -> Create API Key. Take note of this API key (not to be confused with the API Key ID) as it is hidden soon after generation.
- Create a NYT developer account here.
- Navigate to the My Apps page by clicking the dropdown at the upper left corner of the page and selecting "Apps".
- Create an API key in the "API Keys" section by clicking "Add Key". Copy the API Key under the "Key" header.
- Under the "APIs" section, ensure "Article Search API" is enabled.
- Below that, hit the "Save" Button.
- Create an account here.
- Navigate to the API Keys page by clicking your account in the top left corner of the page and selecting "View API Keys".
- Create a new API key by clicking the "Create new secret key" button. Take note of the newly generated key.
- If you haven't already, setup an AWS account here.
- Navigate to the AWS Lambda service page by searching "Lambda" in the search bar at the top of the page.
- Click "Create Function" and select the "Author from scratch" option.
- Create a name for the new function, e.g. "NewsBot".
- For the "Runtime" section, select "Provide your own bootstrap on Amazon Linux 2", and under "Archictecture", select "arm64".
- Under the "Change Default Execution Role" section, make sure "Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions" is selected.
- Click "Create Function".
- Add AWS Polly permissions for the bot by navigating to the "Configurations" section -> clicking "Permissions", then clicking the link under Role Name in the "Execution Role" header.
- In the "Permissions" tab, click the "Add Permissions" button, then select "Attach Policy".
- Search for and select "AmazonPollyReadOnlyAccess" in the permissions search bar, then click "Add Permissions".
- Back to the Lambda Functions page, under the "Configuration" tab, select "Environment Variables".
- Configure the environment variables as follows, by clicking the "Edit" button:
- Click the "Save" button after setting environment variables.
- Under the "General Configuration" menu, click "Edit" and change the timeout to "2min 0sec", and save.
- Grab a pre-built bootstrap from here, and downloading from the latest version.
- Back to your AWS Lambda function, in the "Code" section, scroll down and click "Upload From" -> ".zip file".
- Once the zip has been uploaded, test your function works by navigating to the "Test" tab and clicking the "Test" button. The function should send your AI-generated email to your desired destination, via your sendgrid sender email.
- Check the Log Output to confirm the bot ran as expected.
- Finally, you can schedule the bot to run daily by navigating to the "Triggers" section of the "Configuration" tab and clicking "Add Trigger".
- Then, select EventBridge, then "Create a new rule" and configuring "Rule Name" as "Daily_Newsletter", "Rule Description" as "Run the newsbot daily", and "Schedule Expression" as "rate(1 day)", then click "Add".