This project is an auction app built as a test task technical assessment.
This project uses .net core 3.1.7 Angular 10.2, and Node 12.7.0 .
Node.js (
.Net Core Download and install both SDK and Runtime.
Angular, run the following command
npm install -g @angular/cli
1.$cd scopic-test-server
2.$dotnet restore
3.Change the AwsAccessKey and AwsSecretKey inside the appsettings.json file with the credentials found here
4.$dotnet run
Note: Please make sure port 5000 is not in use.
1.$cd scopic-test
2.$npm install
3.$ng serve
4.Access client at localhost:4200
There are 2 user types, User and Admin.
In order to test the email notification feature, please register using a valid email address.
(User)username:[email protected]|password:user
(User)username:[email protected]|password:user1
(User)username:[email protected]|password:user2
Postman documentation: