Rust wrapper around RED4ext.SDK.
Read the documentation!
Define your Cargo.toml
name = "my-project"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# we want to compile to a DLL
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
red4ext-rs = { git = "", features = ["log"], rev = "v0.10.0" }
# you can also add the bindings crate which exposes all in-game types for convenience
red4ext-rs-bindings = { git = "", rev = "v0.6.0" }
use red4ext_rs::{
export_plugin_symbols, exports, global, wcstr, Exportable, GlobalExport, Plugin, SemVer,
pub struct Example;
impl Plugin for Example {
const AUTHOR: &'static U16CStr = wcstr!("me");
const NAME: &'static U16CStr = wcstr!("example");
const VERSION: SemVer = SemVer::new(0, 1, 0);
// exports a named global function
fn exports() -> impl Exportable {
GlobalExport(global!(c"Add2", add2)),
// you can export global functions and classes
// ClassExport::<MyClass>::builder()
// .base("IScriptable")
// .methods(methods![
// c"GetValue" => MyClass::value,
// c"SetValue" => MyClass::set_value,
// ])
// .build()
fn add2(a: i32) -> i32 {
a + 2
You can now build your project with cargo build
and copy the compiled DLL from {project}\target\debug\{project}.dll
to {game}\red4ext\plugins\
. It should then be loaded by RED4ext and your function should be callable from REDscript and CET.
use red4ext_rs::call;
use red4ext_rs::types::{IScriptable, Ref};
// you can expose Rust functions to the game as long as their signatures consist of supported
// types, you'll see a compiler error when you try to use an unsupported type like i128
fn example(player: Ref<IScriptable>) -> i32 {
// the line below will attempt to look up a matching method in the instance and call it
let size = call!(player, "GetDeviceActionMaxQueueSize;" () -> i32).unwrap();
// the lines below will attempt to look up a matching static method (scripted or native) and call it
let _ = call!("MathHelper"::"EulerNumber;"() -> f32).unwrap();
let _ = call!("PlayerPuppet"::"GetCriticalHealthThreshold;" () -> f32).unwrap();
// the line below invokes a global native function (the operator for adding two Int32)
let added1 = call!("OperatorAdd;Int32Int32;Int32" (size, 4i32) -> i32).unwrap();
See red4ext-rs-bindings for bindings for all types defined in RTTI in the game.
use std::cell::Cell;
use red4ext_rs::types::IScriptable;
use red4ext_rs::{class_kind, exports, methods, ClassExport, Exportable, ScriptClass};
// ...defined in impl Plugin
fn exports() -> impl Exportable {
c"GetValue" => MyClass::value,
c"SetValue" => MyClass::set_value,
event c"OnInitialize" => MyClass::on_initialize
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
struct MyClass {
base: IScriptable,
value: Cell<i32>,
impl MyClass {
fn value(&self) -> i32 {
fn set_value(&self, value: i32) {
fn on_initialize(&self) {}
unsafe impl ScriptClass for MyClass {
type Kind = class_kind::Native;
const NAME: &'static str = "MyClass";
...and on REDscript side:
native class MyClass {
native func GetValue() -> Int32;
native func SetValue(a: Int32);
native cb func OnInitialize();
use red4ext_rs::types::{EntityId, Ref};
use red4ext_rs::{class_kind, ScriptClass, ScriptClassOps};
struct AddInvestigatorEvent {
investigator: EntityId,
unsafe impl ScriptClass for AddInvestigatorEvent {
type Kind = class_kind::Scripted;
const NAME: &'static str = "AddInvestigatorEvent";
fn example() -> Ref<AddInvestigatorEvent> {
// we can create new refs of script classes
let instance = AddInvestigatorEvent::new_ref_with(|inst| {
inst.investigator = EntityId::from(0xdeadbeef);
// we can obtain a reference to the fields of the ref
let fields = unsafe { instance.fields() }.unwrap();
let _investigator = fields.investigator;
use red4ext_rs::types::{IScriptable, Ref};
use red4ext_rs::{class_kind, ScriptClass, ScriptClassOps};
struct ScanningEvent {
base: IScriptable,
state: u8,
unsafe impl ScriptClass for ScanningEvent {
type Kind = class_kind::Native;
const NAME: &'static str = "gameScanningEvent";
fn example() -> Ref<ScanningEvent> {
ScanningEvent::new_ref_with(|inst| {
inst.state = 1;
use red4ext_rs::types::{CName, EntityId, GameEngine, Opt};
use red4ext_rs::{call, RttiSystem};
fn example() {
let rtti = RttiSystem::get();
let class = rtti.get_class(CName::new("gameGameAudioSystem")).unwrap();
let engine = GameEngine::get();
let game = engine.game_instance();
let system = game.get_system(class.as_type());
call!(system, "Play" (CName::new("ono_v_pain_long"), Opt::<EntityId>::Default, Opt::<CName>::Default) -> ()).unwrap()