The Project Knowledge Base collects and analyzes project-related information from various tools used in software development and builds a database.
If you prefer to view the Project Knowledge Base as a dashboard, use the following repository.
- Task Management
- Jira
- Redmine
- AzureBoards
- Backlog
- Trello
- Document
- Confluence
- Source Code Control
- Github
- Gitlab
- Communication
- Slack
- ChatWork
If you've never used git before, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with what it is and how it works. To install this project, you'll need to have git installed and set up on your local dev environment.
$ git clone <link>
This will create a directory and download the contents of this repo to it.
$ (venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
2. Input actual values in .env
to configurate the database settings and install a python package for your DB in the virtual environment.
$ (venv) python migrate
$ (venv) python createsuperuser
$ (venv) python runserver
4. Run Celery worker and beat in other 2 processes. (the virtual environment should be activated in both processes)
$ (venv) celery -A project worker -l info -P gevent
$ (venv) celery -A project beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
5. If you do not have experience Django and Django Restframework, visit here and here to check tutorials.
- Managetech Inc.
- [email protected]
Project Knowledge Base
is under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License.
Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.