XGBoost Name Parser is a research version of name parsing algorithm based on the discriminative classifier approach. It works only with names written in latin alphabet.
Example of usage:
INPUT: Dr. Jack Ali Reisenfeld-Rozumovsky II Jr.
OUTPUT: [('PrefixOther', 'Dr.'), ('GivenName', 'Jack'), ('MiddleName', 'Ali'), ('Surname', 'Reisenfeld-Rozumovsky'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'II'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'Jr.')]
- Clone the repo.
- Build the docker image using docker-compose file
docker-compose build name_extractor
3.1 Running in the notebook: Use the following command to run JupyterNotebook server:
docker-compose up name_extractor
The script for evaluation is in: ./notebooks/evaluation.ipynb
3.2 Use the cmd command:
docker-compose run extractor python ./parse.py --name 'Alexander II "The Great"'
- Accuracy improving
So far the accuracy is not perfect 0.934 Most common mistake is Surname/GivenName. All mistakes from the evaluation dataset:
[('Surname', 'HOOPER'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'SR,'), ('GivenName', 'BARRON')]
[('GivenName', 'HOOPER'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'SR,'), ('GivenName', 'BARRON')]
[('Surname', 'RAMIREZ,'), ('GivenName', 'PATRICIA'), ('MiddleInitial', 'M')]
[('Surname', 'RAMIREZ,'), ('GivenName', 'PATRICIA'), ('LastInitial', 'M')]
[('Surname', 'RODRIGUEZ'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'JR,'), ('GivenName', 'FRANCISCO')]
[('GivenName', 'RODRIGUEZ'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'JR,'), ('GivenName', 'FRANCISCO')]
Another examples:
Initial string: Mikhail Saakashvili
[('GivenName', 'Mikhail'), ('Surname', 'Saakashvili')]
Initial string: Saakashvili Mikhail
[('GivenName', 'Saakashvili'), ('Surname', 'Mikhail')]
Initial string: Saakashvili, Mikhail
[('Surname', 'Saakashvili,'), ('GivenName', 'Mikhail')]
Initial string: Mikhail, Saakashvili
[('Surname', 'Mikhail,'), ('GivenName', 'Saakashvili')]
Initial string: John Bonzo Bonham
[('GivenName', 'John'), ('MiddleName', 'Bonzo'), ('Surname', 'Bonham')]
Initial string: John "Bonzo" Bonham
[('GivenName', 'John'), ('Nickname', '"Bonzo"'), ('Surname', 'Bonham')]
Initial string: Anne-Caroline Chausson
[('GivenName', 'Anne-Caroline'), ('Surname', 'Chausson')]
Initial string: Chausson Anne-Caroline
[('GivenName', 'Chausson'), ('GivenName', 'Anne-Caroline')]
Initial string: Slash
[('GivenName', 'Slash')]
Initial string: "Slash"
[('GivenName', '"Slash"')]
Initial string: Jack White III
[('GivenName', 'Jack'), ('MiddleName', 'White'), ('SuffixGenerational', 'III')]
Initial string: Cheng Long
[('GivenName', 'Cheng'), ('Surname', 'Long')]
Initial string: Li Lianjie
[('GivenName', 'Li'), ('Surname', 'Lianjie')]
Initial string: Ma Yun
[('GivenName', 'Ma'), ('Surname', 'Yun')]
Initial string: Rajesh Khanna
[('GivenName', 'Rajesh'), ('Surname', 'Khanna')]
Initial string: Khanna Rajesh
[('GivenName', 'Khanna'), ('Surname', 'Rajesh')]
This is possibly caused by:
- Small dataset in which pattern GivenName/Surname is more frequent than other combinations
- Class disbalance with higher number of GivenName examples
- Optimization
A feature vector for the input contains 804 features, but ~50% of these are not used for prediction. This issue could be resolved with a feature selection algorithm.
- Hyperparameter tuning
An XGB model hyperparameter tuning can be a very time-consuming task, which in the other hand can give an improvement to algorithm performance. This step is skipped so far and to be implemented in th future.