#Juseppe - Jenkins Update Site Embedded for Plugin Publishing
Run it with mounted plugins folder as volume. Remember to set JUSEPPE_BASE_URI
env var
docker run --name juseppe -v /your/plugins/dir/:/juseppe/plugins/ -e JUSEPPE_BASE_URI=http://my.company.com -p 80:8080 lanwen/juseppe
Then it will be available on http://dockerhost:80/update-center.json
Certificate can be copied from json in format:
{json value of signature.certificates[0] (without quotes)}
WARN! Certificate regenerates in every new docker image!
Mount as volumes private key and cert:
docker run --name juseppe -v /your/private/key:/juseppe/cert/uc.key -v /your/cert/file:/juseppe/cert/uc.crt ... lanwen/juseppe
docker run --rm ... lanwen/juseppe generate
docker build -t juseppe:source .
With maven just run mvn package
, and you will find jar in target/juseppe.jar
and point juseppe to use it with help of -Djuseppe.certificate=path/to/cert.crt
and -Djuseppe.private.key=path/to/priv.key
openssl genrsa -out uc.key 2048 \
&& openssl req -nodes -x509 -new \
-key uc.key \
-out uc.crt \
-days 1056 \
-subj "/C=EN/ST=Update-Center/L=Juseppe/O=Juseppe"
java -jar juseppe.jar help
java -jar juseppe.jar generate
To run server with file watching in current directory (not the dir where jar located!)
java -jar juseppe.jar serve
Just add -w
(or --watch
) flag to update jsons on any plugin list changes
java -jar juseppe.jar -w serve
or java -jar juseppe.jar -w generate
You can also change plugin dir location by specifying -p
(or --plugins-directory
) flag with location of directory where the plugins are
java -jar juseppe.jar -w -p /tmp/plugins serve
You can define system properties or environment vars to override default behaviour.
Complete list of vars can be found after juseppe env
path of certificate (must be used in pair with private key prop). Defaults to uc.crt -
path of private key (must be used in pair with cert). Defaults to uc.key -
where the plugins are. Searches only*.hpi
. Defaults to current working dir -
where to save generated json file. Defaults to current working dir -
name of generated update center json file. Defaults toupdate-center.json
name of generated release-history json file. Defaults torelease-history.json
url to prepend for plugins download link in json. Defaults tohttp://localhost:8080
id of the update center. Must be unique inside of jenkins. Defaults tojuseppe
port for juseppe file server. Defaults to8080
java -jar -Djuseppe.saveto.dir=/tmp/update/ juseppe.jar -w serve
or JUSEPPE_SAVE_TO_DIR=/tmp/update/ java -jar juseppe.jar -w serve
Properties are overridden in order: default value -> env vars -> system properties -> direct cli arguments
Site can be added with help of: