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Scott Wilton edited this page Jun 10, 2013 · 2 revisions

How we write the rulebook


The new rulebook is written in LaTeX, a system used to write books or scientific papers. Simple said, you write text files with formating information in it. With this information LaTeX can produce PDFs and many other output formats.

There is an online Book which should provide enough information:

LaTeX Book


The LaTeX source files are managed by a so called Version Control System. A system which tracks changes made to the files. With a tool like this we can see which changes have been made when and who did them. It is also possible to view any Revision at any point in time.

The Version Control System we use is git.

There is an online book which gives a very good introduction:

Git Book


Our git repository is hosted on GitHub, an online platform for git repositories. It is possible to browse and download repositories, see all the changes made and collaborate with other people.

The rulebook repository is located at:

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