This is based on Udemy Course Go - The Complete Guide
, lecture by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.
variables that store value's address instead of the actual value.
age := 30
in computer memory: value -> 32, address -> 0xc00138475
agePointer := &age -> address -> 0xc00138475
Why do we need this?
- avoid unnecessary value copies
- when you pass a variable to a function as parameter, go creates a copy of the variable. Later garbage collector comes and cleans. If values are too big/complicated, might be burden. But when you pass value as pointer, this won't happen
- directly mutate values
- pass pointer to the function instead of variable. same reason as above.
- function can EDIT the value directly, no return value needed. -> Less Code! (=Less understandable code, unexpected result)
Group data together and also methods and functions defined by "type"
type Note struct {
Also use "type"
type saver interface {
use go
Remember that running a function as goroutine is to run it in a non-blocking way.
go greet("nice to meet you!")
in greet function will not be printed.
does not return a value, it just dispatches goroutine and doesn't wait for it to complete.
so the program ends before the goroutine finishes.
To resolve this problem, we use channel. Channel transmit data, it's a communication device.
func slowGreet(phrase string, doneChan chan bool) {
doneChan <- true // sends data to channel
func main () {
done := make(chan bool)
go slowGreet("nice to meet you!", done)
<- done // arrow describes the direction of data flow. This end the program after some data came out of the channel.
// also can do this
// fmt.Println(<- done)
This way the program will end after the execution of slowGreet is completed.