It's a react.js table for bootstrap, named reactbsTable. It's a configurable, functional table component and make you build a Bootstrap Table more efficiency and easy in your React application, However react-bootstrap-table
support these features:
- column align
- column hidden
- scrolling table
- data sort
- cell format
- pagination
- row selection
- column filter
- cell edit with multi type editor
- insert & delete Row
- row and column style customize
- search
- export CSV file
- rich function hooks
- large columns table
You can see more about react-bootstrap-table.
Here are a lots of examples.
You can check this for more advance usage for react-bootstrap-table
. Feel free to ask more examples.
Check the CHANGELOG for more detail release notes.
dependencies on react 0.14.x and Bootstrap 3 written by ES6 and use gulp and browserify for building and bundling.
You can use the following commands to prepare development
$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install
Use gulp to build the react-bootstrap-table
$ gulp dev #for development
$ gulp example-server #see all examples, go to localhost:3004
$ gulp prod #for production
npm install react-bootstrap-table --save
Use react-bootstrap-table in your react app, you should import this component as first. About importing this component, there'r two way in the following you can choose:
import {BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn} from 'react-bootstrap-table'; // in ECMAScript 6
// or in ECMAScript 5
var ReactBSTable = require("react-bootstrap-table");
var BootstrapTable = ReactBSTable.BootstrapTable;
var TableHeaderColumn = ReactBSTable.TableHeaderColumn;
<script src="path/to/react-bootstrap-table/dist/react-bootstrap-table.min.js" />
var ReactBsTable = window.BootstrapTable;
Finally, you need to import the css file to your app, there are two css file you can choose.
include toastr.react-bootstrap-table.min.css
doesn't include toastr.
Notes: react-bootstrap-table use toastr to alarm some message to user.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css">
CSS files you can find in the css folder.
// products will be presented by react-bootstrap-table
var products = [{
id: 1,
name: "Item name 1",
price: 100
id: 2,
name: "Item name 2",
price: 100
// It's a data format example.
function priceFormatter(cell, row){
return '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-usd"></i> ' + cell;
<BootstrapTable data={products} striped={true} hover={true}>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="id" isKey={true} dataAlign="center" dataSort={true}>Product ID</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="name" dataSort={true}>Product Name</TableHeaderColumn>
<TableHeaderColumn dataField="price" dataFormat={priceFormatter}>Product Price</TableHeaderColumn>
The example source codes is in the examples folder. Run the following commands for a live demo.
$ git clone
$ cd react-bootstrap-table
$ npm install
$ gulp example-server #after start, open browser and go to http://localhost:3004
Please see: docs
Help this project to integrate a better examples demo, add travis & badge, code formatting, give a lot of suggestions and bugs report.
Contribute export csv, multi-search and bug fixing.
Contribute a new colum-filter design and great feedback given.
Bugs report and give some bootstrap and css suggestions actively.
Contribute the edit format & validation on cell editing and row insertion. Improve the custom styling.
Sofia Silva
Bug reports and fixing actively.
Fixing bugs and give improvement for functionality.
Bugs report and enhance the cell formatting.
Implement the TableDataSet component.