- CMS WordPress
- Next.js (App Dir): Learn more Next.js
- GraphQL for data fetching WPGraphQL
- Tailwind for styling Tailwind
- Sendgrid for contact form Sendgrid
Child routes make the fetchPageData($slug) (path: api/get-page-data/$slug)
request. This request does the following:
It gets the slug template so it can use the associated graphql query
- About
- Blog
- Contact
- Connect
- Default
- Home
const pageTemplate = await getPageTemplate(slug);
const templateQuery: TemplateQueryMap = {
[Template.About]: AboutTemplateQuery,
[Template.Blog]: BlogTemplateQuery,
[Template.Contact]: ContactTemplateQuery,
[Template.Connect]: ConnectTemplateQuery,
[Template.Default]: DefaultTemplateQuery,
[Template.Home]: HomeTemplateQuery,
[Template.undefined]: HomeTemplateQuery,
const pageData = await gqlClient.request(
templateQuery[pageTemplate as Template],
return NextResponse.json({
status: 200,
data: pageData,
template: pageTemplate,
and the [child]->page.tsx will use:
export default async function ChildPage({
}: {
params: { child: string };
}) {
const childSlug = params.child;
const fetchData = await fetchPageData(childSlug);
const { data, template } = await fetchData.json();
const templates: { [key: string]: JSX.Element } = {
[Template.About]: <AboutTemplate data={data} />,
[Template.Connect]: <ConnectTemplate />,
[Template.Contact]: <ContactTemplate data={data} />,
[Template.Blog]: <BlogTemplate data={data} />,
const TemplateComponent = templates[template] || <>Page not found</>;
return TemplateComponent;