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Datastructure cheat sheet short
Datastructure cheat sheet with explenations
Data structures, Algorithms mindmap
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In standard BFS scenarios, a visited array or set is diligently maintained to steer clear of revisiting nodes. However, BFS with Bitmasking challenges this norm. Nodes, instead of being dismissed, are revisited, now equipped with an additional layer of information — the state. This state, often represented by a bitmask, augments the node’s identity, enriching the exploration process. Used in solution of Travelling salesman problem.
TSP solution with BFS + Bitmasking video explanation pt1
TSP solution with BFS + Bitmasking video explanation pt2, code
See also: bipartite matching, capacity scaling
In computer programming, the process of modifying and utilizing binary representations of numbers or any other data is known as bitmasking.
See also chapter 10 "Bit manipulation", "Competitive programmer's handbook" by Antti Laaksonen