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Adds files for testing and evaluation on benchmark datasets (NYU, Make3D), including the required 'Interleaving' dagnn-layer
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Iro Laina authored Aug 2, 2016
1 parent 7ae6610 commit 22c87b9
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Showing 6 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions matlab/+dagnn/Combine.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
classdef Combine < dagnn.ElementWise

function outputs = forward(self, inputs, params)
%double the size of feature maps, combining four responses
Y = zeros(size(inputs{1},1)*2, size(inputs{1},2)*2, size(inputs{1},3), size(inputs{1},4), 'like', inputs{1});
Y(1:2:end, 1:2:end, :, :) = inputs{1}; %A
Y(2:2:end, 1:2:end, :, :) = inputs{2}; %C
Y(1:2:end, 2:2:end, :, :) = inputs{3}; %B
Y(2:2:end, 2:2:end, :, :) = inputs{4}; %D
outputs{1} = Y;

function [derInputs, derParams] = backward(self, inputs, params, derOutputs)
%split the feature map into four feature maps of half size
derInputs{1} = derOutputs{1}(1:2:end, 1:2:end, :, :);
derInputs{2} = derOutputs{1}(2:2:end, 1:2:end, :, :);
derInputs{3} = derOutputs{1}(1:2:end, 2:2:end, :, :);
derInputs{4} = derOutputs{1}(2:2:end, 2:2:end, :, :);
derParams = {} ;

function outputSizes = getOutputSizes(obj, inputSizes)
outputSizes{1}(1) = 2*inputSizes{1}(1);
outputSizes{1}(2) = 2*inputSizes{1}(2);
outputSizes{1}(3) = inputSizes{1}(3);
outputSizes{1}(4) = inputSizes{1}(4);

function obj = Combine(varargin)
obj.load(varargin) ;
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions matlab/DepthMapPrediction.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
function pred = DepthMapPrediction(imdb, net, varargin)

% Depth prediction (inference) using a trained model.
% Inputs (imdb) can be either from the NYUDepth_v2 or Make3D dataset, along
% with the corresponding trained model (net). Additionally, the evaluation
% can be run for any single image. MatConvNet library has to be already
% setup for this function to work properly.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inputs:
% - imdb: a structure with fields 'images' and 'depths' in the case of
% the benchmark datasets with known ground truth. imdb could
% alternatively be any single RGB image of size NxMx3 in [0,255]
% or a tensor of D input images NxMx3xD.
% - net: a trained model of type struct (suitable to be converted to a
% DagNN object and successively processed using the DagNN
% wrapper). For testing on arbitrary images, use NYU model for
% indoor and Make3D model for outdoor scenes respectively.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.gpu = false; % Set to true (false) for GPU (CPU only) support
opts.plot = false; % Set to true to visualize the predictions during inference
opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin);

% Set network properties
net = dagnn.DagNN.loadobj(net);
net.mode = 'test';
out = net.getVarIndex('prediction');
if opts.gpu

% Check input
if isa(imdb, 'struct')
% case of benchmark datasets (NYU, Make3D)
images = imdb.images;
groundTruth = imdb.depths;
% case of arbitrary image(s)
images = imdb;
images = imresize(images, net.meta.normalization.imageSize(1:2));
groundTruth = [];

% Get output size for initialization
varSizes = net.getVarSizes({'data', net.meta.normalization.imageSize}); % get variable sizes
pred = zeros(varSizes{out}(1), varSizes{out}(2), varSizes{out}(3), size(images, 4)); % initiliaze

if opts.plot, figure(); end

for i = 1:size(images, 4)
% get input image
im = single(images(:,:,:,i));
if opts.gpu
im = gpuArray(im);

% run the CNN
inputs = {'data', im};
net.eval(inputs) ;

% obtain prediction
pred(:,:,i) = gather(net.vars(out).value);

% visualize results
if opts.plot
colormap jet
if ~isempty(groundTruth)
subplot(1,3,1), imagesc(uint8(images(:,:,:,i))), title('RGB Input'), axis off
subplot(1,3,2), imagesc(groundTruth(:,:,i)), title('Depth Ground Truth'), axis off
subplot(1,3,3), imagesc(pred(:,:,i)), title('Depth Prediction'), axis off
subplot(1,2,1), imagesc(uint8(images(:,:,:,i))), title('RGB Input'), axis off
subplot(1,2,2), imagesc(pred(:,:,i)), title('Depth Prediction'), axis off
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions matlab/error_metrics.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
function results = error_metrics(pred, gt, mask)

% Compute error metrics on benchmark datasets
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% make sure predictions and ground truth have same dimensions
if size(pred) ~= size(gt)
pred = imresize(pred, [size(gt,1), size(gt,2)], 'bilinear');

if isempty(mask)
n_pxls = numel(gt);
n_pxls = sum(mask(:)); % average over valid pixels only

fprintf('\n Errors computed over the entire test set \n');

% Mean Absolute Relative Error
rel = abs(gt(:) - pred(:)) ./ gt(:); % compute errors
rel(~mask) = 0; % mask out invalid ground truth pixels
rel = sum(rel) / n_pxls; % average over all pixels
fprintf('Mean Absolute Relative Error: %4f\n', rel);

% Root Mean Squared Error
rms = (gt(:) - pred(:)).^2;
rms(~mask) = 0;
rms = sqrt(sum(rms) / n_pxls);
fprintf('Root Mean Squared Error: %4f\n', rms);

% LOG10 Error
lg10 = abs(log10(gt(:)) - log10(pred(:)));
lg10(~mask) = 0;
lg10 = sum(lg10) / n_pxls ;
fprintf('Mean Log10 Error: %4f\n', lg10);

results.rel = rel;
results.rms = rms;
results.log10 = lg10;
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions matlab/evaluateMake3D.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
function evaluateMake3D

% Evaluation of depth prediction on Make3D dataset.

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup MatConvNet
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Set your matconvnet path here:
matconvnet_path = '../../matconvnet-1.0-beta20';

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Options
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDir = fullfile(pwd, 'Make3D'); % working directory
opts.interp = 'nearest'; % interpolation method applied during resizing
opts.imageSize = [460,345]; % desired image size for evaluation

netOpts.gpu = true; % set to true to enable GPU support
netOpts.plot = true; % set to true to visualize the predictions during inference

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Prepate data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

imdb = get_Make3D(opts);
net = get_model(opts);

% Test set
testSet.images = imdb.images(:,:,:, imdb.set == 2);
testSet.depths = imdb.depths(:,:, imdb.set == 2);

% resize images to input resolution (equal to round(opts.imageSize/2))
testSet.images = imresize(testSet.images, net.meta.normalization.imageSize(1:2), opts.interp);
% resize depth to opts.imageSize resolution
testSet.depths = imresize(testSet.depths, opts.imageSize, opts.interp);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Evaluate network
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Get predictions
predictions = DepthMapPrediction(testSet, net, netOpts);
predictions = squeeze(predictions); % remove singleton dimensions
predictions = imresize(predictions, [size(testSet.depths,1), size(testSet.depths,2)], 'bilinear'); %rescale

% Error calculation
c1_mask = testSet.depths > 0 & testSet.depths < 70;
errors = error_metrics(predictions, testSet.depths, c1_mask);

% Save results
fprintf('\nsaving predictions...');
save(fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'results.mat'), 'predictions', 'errors', '-v7.3');

function imdb = get_Make3D(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Download required data (test only)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDirImages = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'data', 'Test134');
opts.dataDirDepths = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'data', 'Gridlaserdata');

% Download test set
if ~exist(opts.dataDirImages, 'dir')
fprintf('downloading Make3D testing images (~190 MB)...');
untar('', fileparts(opts.dataDirImages));

if ~exist(opts.dataDirDepths, 'dir')
fprintf('downloading Make3D testing depth maps (~22 MB)...');
untar('', fileparts(opts.dataDirDepths));

fprintf('preparing testing data...');
img_files = dir(fullfile(opts.dataDirImages, 'img-*.jpg'));
depth_files = dir(fullfile(opts.dataDirDepths, 'depth_sph_corr-*.mat'));

% Verify that the correct number of files has been found
assert(numel(img_files)==134, 'Incorrect number of Make3D test images. \n');
assert(numel(depth_files)==134, 'Incorrect number of Make3D test depths. \n');

% Read dataset files and store necessary information to imdb structure
for i = 1:numel(img_files)
imdb.images(:,:,:,i) = single(imread(fullfile(opts.dataDirImages, img_files(i).name))); % get RGB image
gt = load(fullfile(opts.dataDirDepths, depth_files(i).name));
imdb.depths(:,:,i) = single(gt.Position3DGrid(:,:,4)); % get depth channel
imdb.set(i) = 2;
fprintf(' done!\n');

function net = get_model(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Download trained models
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDir = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'models');
if ~exist(opts.dataDir, 'dir'), mkdir(opts.dataDir); end

filename = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'Make3D_ResNet-UpProj.mat');
if ~exist(filename, 'file')
url = '';
fprintf('downloading trained model: %s\n', url);
unzip(url, opts.dataDir);

net = load(filename);

115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions matlab/evaluateNYU.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
function evaluateNYU

% Evaluation of depth prediction on NYU Depth v2 dataset.

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup MatConvNet
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Set your matconvnet path here:
matconvnet_path = '../../matconvnet-1.0-beta20';

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Options
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDir = fullfile(pwd, 'NYU'); % working directory
opts.interp = 'nearest'; % interpolation method applied during resizing

netOpts.gpu = true; % set to true to enable GPU support
netOpts.plot = true; % set to true to visualize the predictions during inference

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Prepate data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

imdb = get_NYUDepth_v2(opts);
net = get_model(opts);

% Test set
testSet.images = imdb.images(:,:,:, imdb.set == 2);
testSet.depths = imdb.depths(:,:, imdb.set == 2);

% Prepare input for evaluation through the network, in accordance to the
% way the model was trained for the NYU dataset. No processing is applied
% to the ground truth.
meta = net.meta.normalization; % information about input
res = meta.imageSize(1:2) + 2*meta.border;
testSet.images = imresize(testSet.images, res, opts.interp); % resize
testSet.images = testSet.images(1+meta.border(1):end-meta.border(1), 1+meta.border(2):end-meta.border(2), :, :); % center crop

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Evaluate network
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

% Get predictions
predictions = DepthMapPrediction(testSet, net, netOpts);
predictions = squeeze(predictions); % remove singleton dimensions
predictions = imresize(predictions, [size(testSet.depths,1), size(testSet.depths,2)], 'bilinear'); %rescale

% Error calculation
errors = error_metrics(predictions, testSet.depths, []);

% Save results
fprintf('\nsaving predictions...');
save(fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'results.mat'), 'predictions', 'errors', '-v7.3');

function imdb = get_NYUDepth_v2(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Download required data
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDir = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'data');
if ~exist(opts.dataDir, 'dir'), mkdir(opts.dataDir); end

% Download dataset
filename = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'nyu_depth_v2_labeled.mat');
if ~exist(filename, 'file')
url = '';
fprintf('downloading dataset (~2.8 GB): %s\n', url);
websave(filename, url);

% Download official train/test split
filename_splits = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'splits.mat');
if ~exist(filename_splits, 'file')
url_split = '';
fprintf('downloading train/test split: %s\n', url_split);
websave(filename_splits, url_split);

% Load dataset and splits
fprintf('loading data to workspace...');
data = load(filename);
splits = load(filename_splits);

% Store necessary information to imdb structure
imdb.images = single(data.images); %(no mean subtraction has been performed)
imdb.depths = single(data.depths); %depth filled-in values
imdb.set(splits.trainNdxs) = 1; %training indices (ignored for inference)
imdb.set(splits.testNdxs) = 2; %testing indices (on which evaluation is performed)
fprintf(' done!\n');

function net = get_model(opts)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Download trained models
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

opts.dataDir = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'models');
if ~exist(opts.dataDir, 'dir'), mkdir(opts.dataDir); end

filename = fullfile(opts.dataDir, 'NYU_ResNet-UpProj.mat');
if ~exist(filename, 'file')
url = '';
fprintf('downloading trained model: %s\n', url);
unzip(url, opts.dataDir);

net = load(filename);


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