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REST API Server made to run Invariant policies remotely.


git clone
cd invariant-server
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d --build

Environment Variables

  • PRODUCTION: Set to true to run in production mode with nsjail isolation.
  • PROMETHEUS_TOKEN: Token for authenticating Prometheus scrape requests.


The docker-compose.yml file is configured to run the container with the necessary privileges and settings for production use, including nsjail isolation.

Note that PRODUCTION=true requires privileged mode, which is already set in the docker-compose file. Disable privileges if not running in production mode.

If running ubuntu 23.10 or later, you need to run these commands on the host:

sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_unconfined=0
sudo sysctl -w kernel.apparmor_restrict_unprivileged_userns=0

This is related to issue #236.


The application can also be run in development mode by omitting the PRODUCTION environment variable:

docker run -d -p8000:8000 invariant-server

The policies will be run in the same container and with the same permissions as the web application. Intended only for development.


Check out for an example of how to interact with the API.

Since the server is a REST API, you can use any HTTP client to interact with it, in any programming language.

Swagger UI documentation is available at /docs endpoint.


This project uses rye, setting it up is as simple as:

git clone
cd invariant-server

# start backend
rye sync
rye run uvicorn server.main:app --reload

# start frontend
cd playground
npm run dev


POST /api/policy/analyze

This endpoint analyzes a given trace of messages against a specified policy to detect violations or specific conditions. It evaluates the content provided in the trace using the rules defined in the policy script.


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body:
    • trace (array): A sequence of messages where each message includes a role (e.g., assistant) and content (the actual text content).
    • policy (string): A policy script that defines the conditions to be evaluated on the trace.


  "trace": [
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "/**\n* GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007\n*/\nexport const someConst = false;"}
  "policy": "from invariant.detectors import copyright\n\nraise \"found copyrighted code\" if:\n    (msg: Message)\n    not empty(copyright(msg.content, threshold=0.75))"

POST /api/monitor/check

This endpoint checks past and pending events against a policy to identify vulnerabilities or issues. It uses the policy script to examine the content of the events and raises alerts based on the conditions defined in the policy.


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Body:
    • past_events (array): A list of events that have already occurred, where each event includes a role (e.g., user) and content (the text content).
    • pending_events (array): A list of upcoming or pending events with the same structure as past_events.
    • policy (string): A policy script that checks the events for specific patterns or issues.


  "past_events": [
    {"role": "user", "content": "Hello, world!"}
  "pending_events": [
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello, user 1"}
  "policy": "from invariant.detectors import semgrep, secrets, CodeIssue\n\nraise \"Vulnerability in python code [risk=medium]\" if:\n    (call: ToolCall)\n    call is tool:ipython_run_cell\n    semgrep_res := semgrep(call.function.arguments.code, lang=\"python\")\n    any(semgrep_res)\n\nraise \"Vulnerability in bash command [risk=medium]\" if:\n    (call: ToolCall)\n    call is tool:cmd_run\n    semgrep_res := semgrep(call.function.arguments.command, lang=\"bash\")\n    any(semgrep_res)"