Local dashboard plot of recent network bandwidth tests & more
Plot recent network bandwidth tests
1867d30 plot of recent network bandwidth tests added to local dashboard
8c591f9 trial stats handler returns last few results rather than just last one
Technical miscellany
483ff54 permit filtering of wifi trial records to merely exclude incomplete trials
ca22e1d development server command now defaults to reading measurement data from "beta" topic directory
f884bcd added handling to plots / multi-point file reader for no recent data
241fa16 assign useful name to task worker threads (with non-semantic numeral)
b8f8668 improved messaging and configurability of route error logger plugin
f732d2d plugin to pass bottle route handler errors through configured logger
UI miscellany
4ec5b2f corrected capitalization of dashboard index header
As ever:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chicago-cdac/netrics-dash/0.6.0/bin/netrics-docker-run | ssh [email protected]