IntelliNode v0.0.10
New Features 🌟
- Embeddings: IntelliNode now supports multi-language embeddings from multiple providers, OpenAI and Cohere. This feature enables developers to extract contextualized representations of text.
- Semantic Search: Add a new semantic search function to search arrays of text and match the closest meaning.
Changes 🔧
- Update the default cohere model.
- Add more samples.
Code Examples 💻
Semantic Search
example of search item and searchable list:
const pivotItem = 'Hello from OpenAI!';
const searchArray = ['Greetings from OpenAI!', 'Bonjour de OpenAI!', 'Hola desde OpenAI!'];
const numberOfMatches =2;
semantic search functionality:
const { SemanticSearch } = require('intellinode');
// prepare the search object with 'openai' or 'cohere' provider
// the apiKey generated from the provider
const search = new SemanticSearch(apiKey, provider);
// execute the match function, return top items with similarity scores
const results = await search.getTopMatches(pivotItem, searchArray, numberOfMatches);
const { RemoteEmbedModel, EmbedInput } = require('intellinode');
const embedModel = new RemoteEmbedModel(openaiApiKey);
const results = await embedModel.getEmbeddings(new EmbedInput({
texts: ['Hello from OpenAI!', '您好,来自 OpenAI!'],
model: 'text-embedding-ada-002',
npm i intellinode