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granicz committed Sep 8, 2020
1 parent 5592e51 commit 597d3ee
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 0 deletions.
145 changes: 145 additions & 0 deletions user/ramon.snir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
title: "Announcing Formlets for jQuery Mobile"
categories: "f#,websharper,formlets,jquery,jquerymobile"
abstract: "The WebSharper Extensions for Formlets for jQuery Mobile give you the power of jQuery Mobile combined with the succinctness of formlets."
identity: "1903,74735"
The WebSharper Extensions for Formlets for jQuery Mobile give you the power of jQuery Mobile combined with the succinctness of formlets. It can be downloaded from the extension page[^1]. You also need the latest jQuery Mobile extension installed.

Basically, everything from this extension is compatible with the native WebSharper formlets, so it also uses the same syntax:

let theme = Theme.C
Formlet.Yield (fun a b -> a, b)
<*> (Controls.TextField "" theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Username:")
<*> (Controls.Password "" theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Password:")
|> Enhance.WithSubmitButton "Log in" theme
|> Formlet.MapResult (function
| Success (_, pass) when pass.Length < 8
-> Failure [ "Wrong credentials." ]
| n -> n)
|> WithJQueryMobileLayout theme


As all first-class formlets, you can use jQuery Mobile controls in a dependent formlet:

let theme = Theme.D
Formlet.Do {
let! a, b =
Formlet.Yield (fun a b -> a, b)
<*> Controls.Slider -25. 25. 5. theme
<*> Controls.Slider -25. 25. 5. theme
do! Formlet.OfElement (fun _ ->
P [
Text (
if a = 0. then
"Any x solved the equation " + string a +
" * x + " + string b + " = 0!"
let solution = -1. * b / a
string a + " * " + string solution + " + " +
string b + " = 0"
return ()


And finally, a larger example showing more controls:

let msg = Span []
let link link =
Inline = true
Icon = None
Theme = theme
Link = "#sample-" + link
Transition = Transition.Fade
Text =
link.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() +
link.Substring 1
Div [
link "buttons"
link "inputs"
link "basic"
|> GroupControls true
:> IPagelet
msg :> _
Br [] :> _
Formlet.Do {
let! _ = Controls.TextField "Type me!" theme
let! _ =
Controls.FlipToggle "ON" "OFF" true theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "This Form:"
|> Formlet.MapResult (function
| Success false -> Failure []
| n -> n)
let animals =
"Fish", 1.
"Dog", 2.
"Cat", 3.
let! an1, [an2], [ b; i; u ] =
Formlet.Yield (fun a b c -> a, b, c)
<*> (Controls.RadioGroup animals 2. false theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Animal one:")
<*> (Controls.SelectMenu
{ SelectConfiguration<_>.Basic animals 2. with
NativeSelect = false } theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Animal two:")
<*> (Controls.CheckboxGroup [ "b", true; "i", true; "u", false ] true theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Format:"
|> Formlet.Map List.ofArray)
if b then
if i then
if u then
let valOfAn = ( * ) 10.
let! v =
Controls.Slider 0. 100. (valOfAn an1 + valOfAn an2) theme
|> Enhance.WithTextLabel "Value:"
msg.Text <- string v
return! Formlet.Never()
|> WithJQueryMobileLayout theme
:> _


[^1]: Link is dead and was removed. Check the []( page for a list of public WebSharper extensions.

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