Releases: initia-labs/weave
Releases · initia-labs/weave
What's Changed
- feat: upgrade opinit-bots version by @Benzbeeb in #149
- feat: dynamic update opinit-bots version by @Benzbeeb in #150
- fix spelling issues by @comfsrt in #148
- docs: fix minor typos and grammatical issues in documentation by @0xbryer in #147
- fix: weave upgrade bug by @Benzbeeb in #151
- fix: normalize addr for get active grpc by @Benzbeeb in #155
- Feat/poll interval by @Benzbeeb in #153
- fix: local setup relayer validating grpc url by @Benzbeeb in #156
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
What's Changed
- fix: selecting minitia version by @Benzbeeb in #141
- Impv/ update README with dynamic version fetching by @Benzbeeb in #144
- Fix/ validate mimove genesis token amount by @Benzbeeb in #145
- Feat/ update opinit-bots binary version by @Benzbeeb in #142
- feat: move opinit keyfile generation to the confirmation step by @traviolus in #146
- fix: always ensure opinit-bot binary by @Benzbeeb in #143
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5
What's Changed
- fix: should validate amount with big int by @Benzbeeb in #129
- impv: rollup endpoint showing by @Benzbeeb in #130
- feat: bump opinit bots version by @traviolus in #132
- feat: add addresses to gas station in weave config by @traviolus in #131
- fix: initia integration test by @traviolus in #135
- fix: validate bit integer by @Benzbeeb in #137
- feat: update release 0.1.3 by @traviolus in #133
- fix: rename existing keyfile by @traviolus in #138
- fix: funding account with bigint amount by @Benzbeeb in #139
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
What's Changed
- Fallback to user input if external fetching failed by @traviolus in #103
- README add easy installation for macOS and linux by @traviolus in #104
- Fix relayer integration tests to be done on Minievm only by @traviolus in #106
- Automatically download addrbook after L1 initialization by @traviolus in #107
- feat: add github pr and issue templates by @traviolus in #108
- chore(readme): update by @traviolus in #110
- feat(cmd): validation for start/stop/restart by @traviolus in #113
- fix(rollup): fix latest release logic by @Benzbeeb in #116
- fix: backup and restore service files in integration tests by @WasinWatt in #114
- Feat/verify balance by @Benzbeeb in #115
- fix: support systemd user-specific config by @WasinWatt in #118
- fix(rollup): selecting minitia version by @Benzbeeb in #120
- chore(systemd): add error for create systemd by @Benzbeeb in #121
- Improve error not show exit code 1 by @Benzbeeb in #122
- feat: update rollup default denom validation by @traviolus in #124
- feat: revamp mnemonic and key file logic by @traviolus in #123
- fix: opinit grant oracle cmd issue by @traviolus in #125
- fix: error grant oracle by @Benzbeeb in #126
- Update README with new prerequisites by @Benzbeeb in #128
- feat: add address to keyfile structs by @traviolus in #127
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What's Changed
- feat: remove upgrade command for this release by @WasinWatt in #98
- chore: update weave version in readme to 0.1.1 by @WasinWatt in #99
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
What's Changed
- show rollup endpoint list after successful deployment by @tansawit in #92
- Set the correct version when releasing new formula by @traviolus in #91
- fix tooltip typo by @tansawit in #93
- Implement Polkachu querier and refactor initia init by @traviolus in #94
- Fix relayer gRPC address scheme by @traviolus in #95
- Fix snapshot link by @traviolus in #96
- Fix release version for brew formula by @traviolus in #97
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.1.0
What's Changed
- Disable prerelease when releasing via actions by @traviolus in #86
- Update url to weave binaries by @traviolus in #87
- Update brew formula via release actions by @traviolus in #88
- feat: add docs url to help cmds by @WasinWatt in #89
- Fix version env in release action by @traviolus in #90
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
What's Changed
- chore: update tooltip texts by @tansawit in #77
- feat: add relayer success message + warning user re: open scan link with non-chrome browsers by @WasinWatt in #78
- feat: separate amplitude project test/prod by @WasinWatt in #80
- Fix rollup scan magic link rendering bug by @traviolus in #81
- Fix port clash between OPinit bots by @traviolus in #82
- feat: update readme version - 0.0.4 by @WasinWatt in #85
- feat: update asset denom unit display method by @tansawit in #84
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4