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fgulan committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 07fdb43 commit 5d3f509
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,200 @@ dependencies: [

## Model

A typical HAL model class prepared for _Halley_ consists of several parts.

struct Website: HalleyCodable {
let _links: Links?

let id: String
let url: URL

struct Contact: HalleyCodable {
let _links: Links?

let id: String
let name: String
let contacts: [Contact]?
let website: Website?

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, IncludeKey {
case _links
case id
case name
case contacts
case website = "webSiteLink"
Going from top to bottom, these classes/structs must obey the following list of rules:

* A class/struct **must** conform `HalleyCodable` protocol.
* A class/struct **must** define `_links` variable which is used while traversing the model's tree.
* `CodingKeys` **should** conform `IncludeKey` protocol for type-safe traversing the tree.

### Traversal paths - Include list

extension Contact: IncludeableType {

enum IncludeType {
case full
case contacts
case website
case contactsOfContacts
case contactsAndWebsiteOfContacts

extension Contact.IncludeType: IncludeTypeInterface {
typealias IncludeCodingKey = Contact.CodingKeys

public func prepareIncludes() -> [IncludeField] {
switch self {
case .full:
case .contacts:
case .website:
case .contactsOfContacts:
Nested(Contact.self, including: .contacts, at: .contacts, toMany: true)
case .contactsAndWebsiteOfContacts:
Nested(Contact.self, including: .full, at: .contacts, toMany: true)

To support type-safe traversing and building pre-computed traversing paths (include lists) model **should** conform `IncludeableType` protocol.

Supported include types: `ToOne`, `ToMany`, and `Nested`. `Nested` is used in case one needs to fetch nested relationships of an already nested relationship.

## Traversing

*Halley* is heavily extensible when it comes to fetching the data and traversing. The client needs to implement/conform to `RequesterInterface` which will provide the implementation for fetching the specific resource from the given link. For example, with network requests and Alamofire:

class AlamofireRequester: RequesterInterface {

func requestResource(
at url: URL,
completion: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void
) -> RequestContainerInterface {
let request = AF
.request(Router(url: url, method: .get))
.responseData() { response in
completion(response.result.mapError { $0 as Error })
return RequestContainer(dataRequest: request)

struct RequestContainer: RequestContainerInterface {

let dataRequest: DataRequest

func cancelRequest() {

Once defined, the requester is used when starting the initial resource request:

let resourceManager = ResourceManager(requester: AlamofireRequester())
let request = HalleyRequest<Contact>(
url: "https//",
includeType: .contactsAndWebsiteOfContacts,
queryItems: [],
decoder: JSONDecoder()
_ = resourceManager
.sink { _ in
// Print error here
} receiveValue: { contact in
// Parsed and traversed Contact

### Templating

*Halley* supports [templated]( links. Each link will be resolved and templated before creating the request via `RequesterInterface`. Templates are resolved via `TemplateLinkResolver` and `DefaultTemplateHandler.shared` where the client can provide their default values which will be templated before any request made via *Halley*, or by providing custom `queryItems` in `HalleyRequest` initializer.

.updateTemplate(for: "country_key") { "US" }

// Link object:
// { "website": "{?country_key}", "templated": true }
// will be resolved as:

## Manual traversing

The client can opt-out from using Codable and type-safe parsing and use simplified methods on `ResourceManager`

func resource(
from url: URL,
includes: [String] = [],
options: HalleyKit.Options = .default,
linkResolver: LinkResolver = URLLinkResolver()
) -> some Publisher<Result<Parameters, Error>, Never>

func resourceCollection(
from url: URL,
includes: [String] = [],
options: HalleyKit.Options = .default,
linkResolver: LinkResolver = URLLinkResolver()
) -> some Publisher<Result<[Parameters], Error>, Never>

func resourceCollectionWithMetadata(
from url: URL,
includes: [String] = [],
options: HalleyKit.Options = .default,
linkResolver: LinkResolver = URLLinkResolver()
) -> some Publisher<Result<Parameters, Error>, Never>

In the case of `String` includes, a simple `website` string represents a to-one relationship, while a string inside square brackets `[contacts]` represents a to-many relationship.

The nested relationship can be achieved via dot-operator like `[contacts].website` - this will fetch all the contacts of a top-level object, and for those contacts, Halley will fetch a website of each one of them.

The example above with contacts and website can be transpiled into:

let resourceManager = ResourceManager(requester: AlamofireRequester())
from: URL(string: "https//")!,
includes: [
options: .default,
linkResolver: TemplateLinkResolver(parameters: [:])
.sink { _ in
// Print error here
} receiveValue: { dict in
// Parsed and traversed contact dict

## Author

* Filip Gulan - [email protected]
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