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infinityofspace edited this page Apr 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

Before you proceed, make sure that you have installed the skill correctly.

Go to the appropriate section depending on how you installed the skill to see how you can start the skill.


Start the skill:

docker run \
  -v /path/to/the/skill.conf:/skill/config/skill.conf \
  -v /path/to/persistence/skill/data:/skill/data \

There are the following environment variables:

environment variable default value description
JELLYFIN_ALEXA_SKILL_CONFIG /skill/config/skill.conf path to the skill config file
JELLYFIN_ALEXA_SKILL_DATA /skill/data path to save persistent skill data

Note: program arguments take precedence over environment variables

You can find a docker-compose example here.

Pip / local installation

Start the skill:

jellyfin-alexa-skill \
  --config /path/to/skill.conf \
  --data /path/to/skill/data/

There are the following environment variables:

environment variable default value description
JELLYFIN_ALEXA_SKILL_CONFIG /home/<user>/.jellyfin_alexa_skill/config/skill.conf path to the skill config file
JELLYFIN_ALEXA_SKILL_DATA /home/<user>/.jellyfin_alexa_skill/data path to save persistent skill data

Note: program arguments take precedence over environment variables

jellyfin-alexa-skill --help
usage: jellyfin-alexa-skill [-h] [--config PATH] [--data PATH] [--verbose]

Selfhosted Alexa media player skill for Jellyfin

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config PATH  Path to the config file
  --data PATH    Path to the data folder
  --verbose      Enable verbose logging


Now activate the skill in your Alexa app and link your Jellyfin account. The first start might take a few moments, since the entire skill must be set up at the first startup. Since the skill does not handle TLS termination, make sure that this is done accordingly, for example with a reverse proxy. Examples of using the skill with an only local access server can be found here.

You can now use the skill with all your Alexa enabled devices. Since this skill is in development mode, only Alexa devices associated with the account that created the skill can use it. Thus, your skill is "private" and cannot be used by other people.

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