MqttTransactPlugin is an extension (aka Plugin) for the Milestone Systems's XProtect VMS Open Platform, that targets specifically the Transact Add-On. For more information on it, please refer to the Milestone Systems' product information
MqttTransactPlugin adds a MQTT subscriber source to XProtect's Transact, thus allowing Transact's users to receive data from any devices publishing information via MQTT.
- Autoreconnection in case the broker gets disconnected
- The MQTT client is implemented using MQTTnet
- Compatible with MQTT spec v.3.1.1
- QoS 0
- License Plate Recognition
- ATM Transactions
- Parcel tracking on a conveyor belt
- Parcel search in a warehouse, post office etc.
- Money transactions in a shop/store
- Product check at the end of Assembly Lines
- ...
To Cascadia Technology for the inspiration given by their TxnServerPlugin