This repository provides a ROS2 hardware interface, URDF model, and MoveIt configuration for controlling a 6-DoF robotic arm using Feetech motors. The 3D model is currently in beta and pending open-source release by Simple Automation, please follow their progress on X!
Udev Rules for Serial Communication
- Provides consistent device names.
MoveIt 2 Integration
- Supports intuitive end-effector control in RViz.
- Includes a GUI for setting goal poses (XYZ & RPY).
Simulation & Hardware Compatibility
- Works in both RViz simulation and real-world hardware.
- Publishes actual joint state feedback to a ROS topic.
Robot Description & Configuration (Git Submodule)
- Uses URDF/XACRO for robot modeling.
- Includes SRDF for MoveIt 2 configuration.
- Defines joint limits, collision models, and kinematics.
- Display actual joint state feedback in RViz.
- Implement or integrate an IK solver.
cd ~/your_ros2_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/your_ros2_ws/src/feetech_arm_control
git submodule update --init --recursive
pip install feetech-servo-sdk
To ensure consistent device naming and prevent permission issues, the Feetech Arm requires a udev rule.
- Run the setup script:
cd ~/your_ros2_ws/src/feetech_arm_control/scripts chmod +x sudo ./
- Unplug and replug the USB cable to apply the changes.
- Verify the device is detected:
You should see something like:
ls -l /dev/ttyARM*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 14 00:48 /dev/ttyARM0 -> ttyACM0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 14 00:52 /dev/ttyARM1 -> ttyACM1
colcon build && source ~/your_ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
To run the MoveIt 2 demo for End Effector drag-and-drop control:
ros2 launch arm_moveit_config
To use a Qt5 GUI for controlling the arm pose:
ros2 launch arm_controller
To run with the actual hardware (Optional):
ros2 run arm_hardware_interface hardware_interface
To display the robot model in RViz:
ros2 launch arm_description
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS2 Humble