Fork of Martin Cameron's simple music editor for 4 and 8 channel Protracker modules, with a handful of features I think make it more useful as an editor.
Modules and samples can be loaded by pressing DIR and navigating to the file.
Hold shift to load IFF-8SVX and signed 8-bit RAW samples with no file extension.
Notes can be entered using a virtual piano keyboard (QWERTY layout).
Selections can be made by holding shift with the cursor keys, home and end.
Pressing shift when keying a note will paste the copied selection with transpose.
Pressing space will silence all channels.Other functions can be accessed using the function keys:
- F1: Set octave 1 for note entry.
- F2: Set octave 2 for note entry.
- F3: Set octave 3 for note entry.
- F4: Set octave 4 for note entry.
- F5: Copy selection.
- F6: Paste selection.
- F7: Toggle simple reverb effect.
- F8: Toggle 4 and 8 channels.
- F9: Save current instrument as raw sample.
- Shift + F9: Crop current instrument to loop points.
- Shift + F10: Delete all unused patterns and instruments.
Saved modules only include patterns up to the highest used in the sequence.
I love the portability of jarred apps, and the prevalence of java on enterprise machines makes them a fun way to play with toys even on a work laptop with a draconian app whitelisty policy.
Now includes:
- yellow outline to highlight focused gadget
- red outline around pattern panel during editing
- additonal keys:
- spacebar: toggle playback
- shift + spacebar: toggle ploopback (playback but it loops the current pettern instead of the whole sequence)
- period: cycle through input gadgets in top section
- comma: cycle backwards through input gadgets in top section
- forward slash: focus pattern editor and select top of pattern
- escape (while in edit mode): focus on the directory text field
- obnoxiously intrusive and unclear code commenting
Will include:
- modifier keys so you can use the above additional keys and still type in text fields usefully, idiot
Might one day include:
ploop button to only play the current pattern instead of the whole sequencedone- better keyboard interaction so you can hit enter to trigger button gadgets
auditioning samplesactually nah, this isn't a daw, it's a desktop toy. You have better ways of auditioning samples on your OS.replacing mumart's copyright notice with an attribution/apology- forward slash key also recentring the playhead on row 0
- me getting smart enough to diagnose and fix bug with ploop where occasionally it plays the first loop at double speed
- better 'edit mode' flag - currently it just outlines red when the pattern panel is focused. It'd be good to do the full protracker and have it red only when the pattern panel accepting input
- keyboard shortcuts for cycling through the patterns. Half implemented, but not useful without playhead following, and maybe an indicator for what the current pattern is somewhere.
You get a hyperlink instead of a release because this is not so much a version release as an act of vandalism.