Контент Доки: статьи, картинки, демки и документация для авторов
A tiny (286 bytes) state manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores
Made from scratch TypeScript packages, examples and documentation you will surely need to start developing on Telegram Mini Apps.
The Cosmos numerical relativity code (with unstructured AMR)
Gravitas: Analytical and numerical general relativity in discrete and continuous spacetimes
A lightning-fast search engine API bringing AI-powered hybrid search to your sites and applications.
A Rust library for the Marlin preprocessing zkSNARK
Rust-based Indexer for a NEAR blockchain
An example of migrating Create React App to Next.js.
🍰 Architectural methodology for frontend projects
Lite version of the friendly BEM-style class name generator, which is great for React
Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
🌐 Internationalization (i18n) for Next.js
FlatBuffers compiler (flatc) as API (with focus on transparent `.fbs` to `.rs` code-generation via Cargo build scripts integration)
TypeScript project starter for NEAR BOS
A curated list of privacy on blockchains resources
Examples to kickstart your journey with grammY.
Concrete ML: Privacy Preserving ML framework using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE), built on top of Concrete, with bindings to traditional ML frameworks.
High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
Stable Diffusion web UI
🌸 Run LLMs at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading
Hooks, Context Providers, and Components that make it easy to interact with Firebase.
OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
Rust Poseidon implementation (contact: @porcuquine)
p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Proces…