Portfolio website
This is a monorepo containing one app.
: the Django backend
Install most recent version of Docker Desktop
Build the project:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
Run the dev server:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
You should see the site is running on the backend ( localhost:8000 ).
Step 1 is a one-off step. Step 2 is only required if you have materially altered the project since last build, e.g. by changing /requirements.txt
. Code changes are picked up automatically by the Django and they will reload the project modules upon detecting a change.
You do not need to follow the previous sections to run the tests. Just:
Install most recent version of Docker Desktop
Build the project:
docker-compose build
docker-compose run django test
Step 1 is a one-off step. Step 2 is only required if you have materially altered the project since last build, e.g. by changing /requirements.txt