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[WIP] Support multi-ipkg setup; Rework how we build the workspace project and when we compute metadata (TTM) #231

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Idris2
Submodule Idris2 updated 44 files
+24 −0
+19 −13 libs/base/Data/Nat.idr
+5 −0 libs/base/Data/SortedMap.idr
+7 −0 libs/base/Data/SortedMap/Dependent.idr
+36 −10 libs/base/Data/SortedSet.idr
+4 −4 libs/contrib/Data/Nat/Factor.idr
+3 −3 libs/contrib/Data/Vect/Properties/Fin.idr
+1 −1 libs/papers/Search/Auto.idr
+1 −1 src/Compiler/Opts/ToplevelConstants.idr
+89 −27 src/Compiler/RefC/RefC.idr
+1 −1 src/Compiler/Scheme/ChezSep.idr
+2 −2 src/Compiler/Separate.idr
+1 −1 src/Core/Case/CaseBuilder.idr
+1 −1 src/Core/Coverage.idr
+17 −3 src/Core/Directory.idr
+1 −1 src/Core/Termination/SizeChange.idr
+2 −0 src/Idris/Package.idr
+1 −2 src/Idris/Parser.idr
+1 −1 src/Libraries/Data/Graph.idr
+9 −8 src/Libraries/Data/SortedMap.idr
+17 −9 src/Libraries/Data/SortedSet.idr
+1 −1 src/TTImp/Elab/Record.idr
+2 −1 src/TTImp/Impossible.idr
+2 −0 src/TTImp/ProcessDef.idr
+1 −1 src/TTImp/TTImp.idr
+11 −2 support/refc/_datatypes.h
+135 −16 support/refc/memoryManagement.c
+10 −1 support/refc/memoryManagement.h
+14 −26 support/refc/prim.c
+5 −2 support/refc/prim.h
+8 −12 support/refc/stringOps.c
+9 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Head.idr
+19 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Issue2250a.idr
+11 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Issue2250b.idr
+7 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Issue2250c.idr
+21 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Issue3276.idr
+8 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/Visibility.idr
+120 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/expected
+8 −0 tests/idris2/coverage/coverage021/run
+1 −1 tests/idris2/reflection/reflection027/TraverseWithConst.idr
+3 −3 tests/idris2/repl/repl001/expected
+84 −84 tests/refc/callingConvention/expected
+36 −36 tests/refc/reuse/expected
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions pack.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
type = "local"
path = "."
ipkg = "idris2-lsp.ipkg"
packagePath = true
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Language/LSP/Completion/Handler.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ arguments (PrimVal fc c) = []
arguments (Erased fc why) = []
arguments (TType fc n) = []

-- PERF: This is currently *very* slow. It can take up 5-10 seconds for when running this on this (idris2-lsp) project
completionNames : Ref Ctxt Defs
Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/LSP/Definition.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,13 +65,6 @@ gotoDefinition : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> DefinitionParams -> Core (Maybe Location)
gotoDefinition params = do
logI GotoDefinition "Checking for \{show params.textDocument.uri} at \{show params.position}"
-- Check actual doc
Just (actualUri, _) <- gets LSPConf openFile
| Nothing => logE GotoDefinition "No open file" >> pure Nothing
let True = actualUri == params.textDocument.uri
| False => do
logD GotoDefinition "Expected request for the currently opened file \{show actualUri}, instead received \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
pure Nothing

let line = params.position.line
let col = params.position.character
Expand Down
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/LSP/DocumentHighlight.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,13 +25,8 @@ documentHighlights : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
=> DocumentHighlightParams -> Core (List DocumentHighlight)
documentHighlights params = do
logI DocumentHighlight "Searching for \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
Just (uri, _) <- gets LSPConf openFile
| Nothing => logE DocumentHighlight "No open file" >> pure []
let True = uri == params.textDocument.uri
| False => do
logD DocumentHighlight "Expected request for the currently opened file \{show uri}, instead received \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
pure []
let uri = show params.textDocument.uri
logI DocumentHighlight "Searching for \{uri}"

let line = params.position.line
let col = params.position.character
Expand Down
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/LSP/DocumentSymbol.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,13 +60,9 @@ documentSymbol : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
=> DocumentSymbolParams -> Core (List SymbolInformation)
documentSymbol params = do
logI DocumentSymbol "Making for \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
Just (uri, _) <- gets LSPConf openFile
| Nothing => logE DocumentSymbol "No open file" >> pure []
let True = uri == params.textDocument.uri
| False => do
logD DocumentSymbol "Expected request for the currently opened file \{show uri}, instead received \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
pure []
let uri = params.textDocument.uri
logI DocumentSymbol "Making for \{show uri}"

defs <- get Ctxt
-- Get the current and visible namespaces from the context
let currentNamespaces = defs.currentNS :: defs.nestedNS
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Server/Configuration.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ record LSPConfiguration where
||| True if the client has completed the shutdown protocol.
||| @see
isShutdown : Bool
||| The currently loaded file, if any, and its version.
openFile : Maybe (DocumentURI, Int)
||| Files with modification not saved. Command will fail on these files.
dirtyFiles : SortedSet DocumentURI
||| Files with errors
Expand All @@ -71,6 +69,8 @@ record LSPConfiguration where
virtualDocuments : SortedMap DocumentURI (Int, String) -- Version content
||| Insert only function name for completions
briefCompletions : Bool
||| Maybe specified path to the .ipkg file
ipkgPath : Maybe String

||| Server default configuration. Uses standard input and standard output for input/output.
Expand All @@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ defaultConfig =
, logSeverity = Debug
, initialized = Nothing
, isShutdown = False
, openFile = Nothing
, dirtyFiles = empty
, errorFiles = empty
, semanticTokensSentFiles = empty
Expand All @@ -94,5 +93,6 @@ defaultConfig =
, nextRequestId = 0
, completionCache = empty
, virtualDocuments = empty
, briefCompletions = False
, briefCompletions = False
, ipkgPath = Nothing
32 changes: 11 additions & 21 deletions src/Server/Diagnostics.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,20 +113,15 @@ warningToDiagnostic : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref Syn SyntaxInfo
=> Ref ROpts REPLOpts
=> (caps : Maybe PublishDiagnosticsClientCapabilities)
-> (uri : URI)
-> (warning : Warning)
-> Core Diagnostic
warningToDiagnostic caps uri warning = do
warningToDiagnostic caps warning = do
defs <- get Ctxt
warningAnn <- pwarning (killWarningLoc warning)
let loc = Just (getWarningLoc warning)
let wdir = defs.options.dirs.working_dir
p <- maybe (pure uri.path) (pure . (wdir </>) <=< nsToSource replFC)
((\case PhysicalIdrSrc ident => Just ident; _ => Nothing) . fst <=< isNonEmptyFC =<< loc)
if System.Path.parse (uriPathToSystemPath uri.path) == System.Path.parse p
then do let related = Nothing -- TODO related diagnostics?
pure $ buildDiagnostic Warning loc warningAnn related
else pure $ buildDiagnostic Warning (toStart <$> loc) ("In" <++> pretty0 p <+> colon <++> warningAnn) Nothing
let related = Nothing -- TODO related diagnostics?
pure (buildDiagnostic Warning loc warningAnn related)

||| Computes a LSP `Diagnostic` from a compiler error.
Expand All @@ -136,20 +131,15 @@ warningToDiagnostic caps uri warning = do
||| @err The compiler error.
errorToDiagnostic : Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref Syn SyntaxInfo
=> Ref ROpts REPLOpts
=> (caps : Maybe PublishDiagnosticsClientCapabilities)
-> (uri : URI)
-> (error : Error)
-> Core Diagnostic
errorToDiagnostic caps uri err = do
=> Ref Syn SyntaxInfo
=> Ref ROpts REPLOpts
=> (caps : Maybe PublishDiagnosticsClientCapabilities)
-> (error : Error)
-> Core Diagnostic
errorToDiagnostic caps err = do
defs <- get Ctxt
error <- perror (killErrorLoc err)
let loc = getErrorLoc err
let wdir = defs.options.dirs.working_dir
p <- maybe (pure uri.path) (pure . (wdir </>) <=< nsToSource replFC)
((\case PhysicalIdrSrc ident => Just ident; _ => Nothing) . fst <=< isNonEmptyFC =<< loc)
if System.Path.parse (uriPathToSystemPath uri.path) == System.Path.parse p
then do let related = (flip toMaybe (getRelatedErrors uri err) <=< relatedInformation) =<< caps
pure $ buildDiagnostic Error loc error related
else pure $ buildDiagnostic Error (toStart <$> loc) ("In" <++> pretty0 p <+> colon <++> error) Nothing
let related = Nothing -- TODO
pure (buildDiagnostic Error loc error related)
166 changes: 101 additions & 65 deletions src/Server/ProcessMessage.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.OneOf
import Data.SortedMap
import Data.SortedSet
import Data.String
import Idris.CommandLine
import Idris.Doc.String
import Idris.Error
import Idris.IDEMode.Holes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,9 @@ import System.Clock
import System.Directory
import System.File

toMillis : Integer -> Integer
toMillis = cast {to = Integer} . (/ 1000000.0) . cast {to = Double}

||| Mostly copied from Idris.REPL.displayResult.
replResultToDoc : Ref Ctxt Defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,6 +190,13 @@ processSettings (JObject xs) = do
case lookup "briefCompletions" xs of
Just (JBoolean b) => update LSPConf ({ briefCompletions := b})
_ => pure ()
case lookup "ipkgPath" xs of
Just (JString path) => do
logI Channel "Set .ipkg path to \{path}"
update LSPConf ({ ipkgPath := Just path})
_ => do
logI Channel "Unset .ipkg path"
update LSPConf ({ ipkgPath := Nothing})
processSettings _ = logE Configuration "Incorrect type for options"

isDirty : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration => DocumentURI -> Core Bool
Expand All @@ -200,83 +211,93 @@ loadURI : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
=> Ref Syn SyntaxInfo
=> Ref MD Metadata
=> Ref ROpts REPLOpts
=> InitializeParams -> URI -> Maybe Int -> Core (Either String ())
=> InitializeParams -> URI -> Maybe Int -> Core (Either () ())
loadURI conf uri version = do
logI Server "Loading file \{show uri}"
logI Channel "Loading file \{show uri}"
defs <- get Ctxt
let extraDirs = defs.options.dirs.extra_dirs
update LSPConf ({ openFile := Just (uri, fromMaybe 0 version) })
update ROpts { evalResultName := Nothing }
resetContext (Virtual Interactive)
let fpath = uriPathToSystemPath uri.path
let Just (startFolder, startFile) = splitParent fpath
| Nothing => do let msg = "Cannot find the parent folder for \{show uri}"
logE Server msg
pure $ Left msg
True <- coreLift $ changeDir startFolder
| False => do let msg = "Cannot change current directory to \{show startFolder}, folder of \{show startFile}"
logE Server msg
pure $ Left msg
Right fname <- catch (maybe (Left "Cannot find the ipkg file") Right <$> findIpkg (Just fpath))
(pure . Left . show)
| Left err => do let msg = "Cannot load ipkg file for \{show uri}: \{show err}"
logE Server msg
pure $ Left msg
Right res <- coreLift $ File.ReadWrite.readFile fname
| Left err => do let msg = "Cannot read file at \{show uri}"
logE Server msg
pure $ Left msg
update LSPConf ({ virtualDocuments $= insert uri (fromMaybe 0 version, res ++ "\n") })
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The new code doesn't add the current file to the virtual documents.

-- A hack to solve some interesting edge-cases around missing newlines ^^^^^^^
setSource res
-- Save CWD
cwd <- getWorkingDir
Right packageFilePath <- catch
(Left (InternalError "Cannot find the .ipkg file"))
[| gets LSPConf ipkgPath <+> coreLift (findIpkgFile <&> (<&> (\(dir, name, _) => dir </> name))) |]
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This line gets a bit terse IMO right around the time your anonymous function begins with <&>. I suppose this isn't a requested change unless you also are on the fence about it. I can follow, but I'm spending more effort reading the syntax than I usually like to.

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Agreed, I'll fix

(pure . Left)
| Left err => do let msg = "Cannot load .ipkg file: \{show err}"
logE Channel msg
pure $ Left ()
logI Channel ".ipkg file configured to: \{packageFilePath}"
Right packageFileSource <- coreLift $ File.ReadWrite.readFile packageFilePath
| Left err => do let msg = "Cannot read .ipkg at \{packageFilePath} with CWD \{!getWorkingDir}"
logE Channel msg
pure $ Left ()
logI Channel ".ipkg file read!"
let Just (packageFileDir, packageFileName) = splitParent packageFilePath
| _ => throw $ InternalError "Tried to split empty string"
let True = isSuffixOf ".ipkg" packageFileName
| _ => do let msg = "Packages must have an '.ipkg' extension: \{packageFilePath}"
logE Channel msg
pure $ Left ()
-- The CWD should be set to that of the .ipkg file
setWorkingDir packageFileDir
-- Using local packageFileName as we are now in the directory containing that file
-- Idris assumes that CWD and the directory of the .ipkg file coincide
pkg <- parsePkgFile True packageFileName
logI Channel ".ipkg file parsed!"
whenJust (builddir pkg) setBuildDir
setOutputDir (outputdir pkg)
logI Channel "Type checking..."
errs <- catch
(buildDeps fname)
(do clock0 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
errs <- check pkg []
clock1 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
let dif = timeDifference clock1 clock0
logI Channel "Type-checking finished in \{show (toMillis (toNano dif))}ms with \{show (length errs)} errors"
pure errs
-- FIXME: the compiler sometimes dumps the errors on stdout, requires
-- a compiler change.
(\err => do
logE Server "Caught error which shouldn't be leaked while loading file: \{show err}"
pure [err])
-- FIXME: the compiler always dumps the errors on stdout, requires
-- a compiler change.
-- NOTE on catch: It seems the compiler sometimes throws errors instead
-- of accumulating them in the buildDeps.
unless (null errs) $ do
update LSPConf ({ errorFiles $= insert uri })
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your code never sets errorFiles does it?

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Hm, right. Probably removed unintentionally.

-- ModTree 397--308 loads data into context from ttf/ttm if no errors
-- In case of error, we reprocess fname to populate metadata and syntax
logI Channel "Rebuild \{fname} due to errors"
modIdent <- ctxtPathToNS fname
let msgPrefix : Doc IdrisAnn = pretty0 ""
let buildMsg : Doc IdrisAnn = pretty0 modIdent
clearCtxt; addPrimitives
put MD (initMetadata (PhysicalIdrSrc modIdent))
ignore $ ProcessIdr.process msgPrefix buildMsg fname modIdent

errs <- case null errs of
True => do -- On success, reload the main ttc in a clean context
clearCtxt; addPrimitives
modIdent <- ctxtPathToNS fpath
mainttc <- getTTCFileName fpath "ttc"
log "import" 10 $ "Reloading " ++ show mainttc ++ " from " ++ fpath
catch ([] <$ readAsMain mainttc) $ (\err => pure [err])
False => pure errs

let caps = (publishDiagnostics <=< textDocument) . capabilities $ conf
update LSPConf ({ quickfixes := [], cachedActions := empty, cachedHovers := empty })
traverse_ (findQuickfix caps uri) errs
defs <- get Ctxt
session <- getSession
let warnings = if session.warningsAsErrors then [] else reverse (warnings defs)
sendDiagnostics caps uri version warnings errs
-- Clear out all previously issued diagnostics
for_ !(SortedSet.toList <$> gets LSPConf errorFiles) sendEmptyDiagnostic
filesWithErrors <- sendDiagnostics caps warnings errs
logI Channel "Files containing errors: \{show filesWithErrors}"
update LSPConf { errorFiles := SortedSet.fromList filesWithErrors }
defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt ({ options->dirs->extra_dirs := extraDirs } defs)
cNames <- completionNames
update LSPConf ({completionCache $= insert uri cNames})
-- FIX: This is crazy slow (and unused?)
-- cNames <- completionNames
-- update LSPConf ({completionCache $= insert uri cNames})
logI Channel "File loaded!"
-- Reset CWD
setWorkingDir cwd
pure $ Right ()

loadIfNeeded : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref UST UState
=> Ref Syn SyntaxInfo
=> Ref MD Metadata
=> Ref ROpts REPLOpts
=> InitializeParams -> URI -> Maybe Int -> Core (Either String ())
loadIfNeeded conf uri version = do
Just (oldUri, oldVersion) <- gets LSPConf openFile
| Nothing => loadURI conf uri version
if (oldUri == uri && (isNothing version || (Just oldVersion) == version))
then pure $ Right ()
else loadURI conf uri version

withURI : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
=> Ref Ctxt Defs
=> Ref UST UState
Expand All @@ -287,11 +308,21 @@ withURI : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration
-> URI -> Maybe Int -> Core (Either ResponseError a) -> Core (Either ResponseError a) -> Core (Either ResponseError a)
withURI conf uri version d k = do
when !(isError uri) $ ignore $ logW Server "Trying to load \{show uri} which has errors" >> d
case !(loadIfNeeded conf uri version) of
Right () => k
Left err => do
logE Server "Error while loading \{show uri}: \{show err}"
pure $ Left (MkResponseError (Custom 3) err JNull)
logI Channel "Loading metadata for file: \{show uri}"
clock0 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
let fpath = uriPathToSystemPath uri.path
setMainFile (Just fpath)
Right src <- coreLift $ File.ReadWrite.readFile fpath
| Left err => pure $ Left (MkResponseError RequestCancelled "Couldn't read the file source file" JNull)
setSource src
modIdent <- ctxtPathToNS fpath
mainttm <- getTTCFileName fpath "ttm"
[] <- catch ([] <$ readFromTTM mainttm) (\err => pure [err])
| _ => pure $ Left (MkResponseError RequestCancelled "Couldn't load TTM for the file" JNull)
clock1 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
let dif = timeDifference clock1 clock0
logI Channel "Loading metadata finished in \{show (toMillis (toNano dif))}ms"

||| Guard for requests that requires a successful initialization before being allowed.
whenInitializedRequest : Ref LSPConf LSPConfiguration => (InitializeParams -> Core (Either ResponseError a)) -> Core (Either ResponseError a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,12 +529,19 @@ handleRequest TextDocumentSemanticTokensFull params = whenActiveRequest $ \conf
Nothing <- gets LSPConf (lookup params.textDocument.uri . semanticTokensSentFiles)
| Just tokens => pure $ pure $ (make $ tokens)
withURI conf params.textDocument.uri Nothing (pure $ Left (MkResponseError RequestCancelled "Document Errors" JNull)) $ do
logI Channel "Loading semantic tokens for file: \{show (params.textDocument.uri)}"
clock0 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
let fpath = uriPathToSystemPath params.textDocument.uri.path
Right src <- coreLift $ File.ReadWrite.readFile fpath
| Left err => pure $ Left (MkResponseError RequestCancelled "Couldn't read the file" JNull)
md <- get MD
src <- getSource
let srcLines = lines src
let getLineLength = \lineNum => maybe 0 (cast . length) $ elemAt srcLines (integerToNat (cast lineNum))
tokens <- getSemanticTokens md getLineLength
update LSPConf ({ semanticTokensSentFiles $= insert params.textDocument.uri tokens })
clock1 <- coreLift (clockTime Monotonic)
let dif = timeDifference clock1 clock0
logI Channel "Loading semantic tokens finished in \{show (toMillis (toNano dif))}ms"
pure $ pure $ (make $ tokens)
handleRequest WorkspaceExecuteCommand
(MkExecuteCommandParams partialResultToken "repl" (Just [json])) = whenActiveRequest $ \conf => do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,7 +616,6 @@ handleNotification TextDocumentDidSave params = whenActiveNotification $ \conf =
logI Channel "Received didSave notification for \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
update LSPConf (
{ dirtyFiles $= delete params.textDocument.uri
, errorFiles $= delete params.textDocument.uri
, semanticTokensSentFiles $= delete params.textDocument.uri
ignore $ loadURI conf params.textDocument.uri Nothing
Expand All @@ -600,8 +637,7 @@ handleNotification TextDocumentDidChange params = whenActiveNotification $ \conf

handleNotification TextDocumentDidClose params = whenActiveNotification $ \conf => do
logI Channel "Received didClose notification for \{show params.textDocument.uri}"
update LSPConf ({ openFile := Nothing
, quickfixes := []
update LSPConf ({ quickfixes := []
, cachedActions := empty
, cachedHovers := empty
, dirtyFiles $= delete params.textDocument.uri
Expand Down