Web based Reversi App
This is a full stack implementation of the board game Reversi/Othello
Stack: MongoDB (Database), Express.js (Backend), React.js (Frontend), Node.js (Frontend + Backend) Dev tools: Netlify (Frontend deployment), Oracle cloud (Backend deployment)
To run the client, navigate to the client directory and use the following command:
npm install
npm start
To run the server, navigate to the server directory and use the following command:
npm install
Create a .env file in the server directory and add the following:
Replace your_mongodb_connection_string with your actual MongoDB connection URI.
Replace A_KEY_GENERATED_KEY_FOR_apikeyAuth.js with a generated key to be used by the frontend to update player moves within the server.
Then, start the server:
node server.js
The frontend is deployed using Netlify, and the backend is deployed on Oracle Cloud. You can access the live application at Reversi Project.