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avehtari committed Feb 26, 2018
1 parent a89630d commit 05e7178
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Showing 77 changed files with 827 additions and 380 deletions.
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Empty file removed Congress/cong3/Icon
Empty file.
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@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@

earnings <- read.dta("earnings.dta")

## create variables for age and ethnicity categories
#' Load original data
earnings <- read.dta(here("Earnings/data","earnings.dta"))

#' Create variables for age and ethnicity categories
earnings$age <- 90 - earnings$yearbn # survey was conducted in 1990
earnings$age[earnings$age < 18] <- NA
earnings$age_category <- with(earnings, ifelse(age < 35, 1, ifelse(age < 50, 2, 3)))
earnings$eth <- with(earnings, ifelse(race==2, 1, ifelse(hisp==1, 2, ifelse(race==1, 3, 4))))
earnings$male <- 2 - earnings$sex

## (For simplicity) remove cases with missing data and restrict to people with positive earnings born after 1925

#' (For simplicity) remove cases with missing data and restrict
#' to people born after 1925
ok <- with(earnings, ! + height + sex + age) & yearbn > 2)
earnings_clean <- earnings[ok,]
write.csv(earnings_clean, "earnings.csv")
write.csv(earnings_clean, here("Earnings/data","earnings.csv"))
61 changes: 38 additions & 23 deletions Earnings/earnings_bootstrap.R
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@@ -1,37 +1,52 @@
#' ---
#' title: "Regression and Other Stories: Earnings"
#' author: "Andrew Gelman, Aki Vehtari"
#' date: "`r format(Sys.Date())`"
#' ---

#' Bootstrapping to simulate the sampling distribution
#' -------------

#' **Load libraries**
#+ setup, message=FALSE, error=FALSE, warning=FALSE

## classical regressions and graphs for earnings example

earnings_clean <- read.csv("earnings.csv")
n <- nrow(earnings_clean)

earn <- earnings_clean$earn
height <- earnings_clean$height
male <- earnings_clean$male

colnames(height_data) <- c("ID", "earn", "height", "male")

print(mean(height[male]) / mean(height[!male]))

n <- length(height)
#' **Load data**
earnings <- read.csv(here("Earnings/data","earnings.csv"))
earnings_all <- read.csv(here("Earnings/data","earnings.csv"))
earnings_all$positive <- earnings_all$earn > 0
#' only non-zero earnings
earnings <- earnings_all[earnings_all$positive, ]
n <- nrow(earnings)
earn <- earnings$earn
male <- earnings$male

#' **Median of women's earnings, divided by the median of men's earnings**
print(median(earn[male==0]) / median(earn[male==1]))

#' **A single bootstrap sample**
n <- length(earn)
boot <- sample(n, replace=TRUE)
height_boot <- height[boot]
earn_boot <- earn[boot]
male_boot <- male[boot]
ratio_boot <- mean(height_boot[male_boot]) / mean(height_boot[!male_boot])
ratio_boot <- median(earn_boot[male_boot==0]) / median(earn_boot[male_boot==1])

#' **A set of bootstrap simulations**
Boot_ratio <- function(data){
n <- nrow(data)
boot <- sample(n, replace=TRUE)
height_boot <- data$height[boot]
earn_boot <- data$earn[boot]
male_boot <- data$male[boot]
ratio_boot <- mean(height_boot[male_boot]) / mean(height_boot[!male_boot])
ratio_boot <- median(earn_boot[male_boot==0]) / median(earn_boot[male_boot==1])
n_sims <- 10000
output <- replicate(n_sims, Boot_ratio(data=earnings))

n_sims <- 100
output <- replicate(n_sims, Boot_ratio(data=earnings_clean))

#' **Summarize the results graphically and numerically**
104 changes: 67 additions & 37 deletions Earnings/earnings_regression.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,42 @@
#' ---
#' title: "Regression and Other Stories: Earnings"
#' author: "Andrew Gelman, Aki Vehtari"
#' date: "`r format(Sys.Date())`"
#' ---

#' Predict respondents' yearly earnings using survey data from 1990.
#' -------------

#' **Load libraries**
#+ setup, message=FALSE, error=FALSE, warning=FALSE
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
theme_set(bayesplot::theme_default(base_family = "sans"))

## classical regressions and graphs for earnings example

earnings_all <- read.csv("earnings.csv")
#' **Load data**
earnings_all <- read.csv(here("Earnings/data","earnings.csv"))
earnings_all$positive <- earnings_all$earn > 0
# only non-zero earnings
earnings <- earnings_all[earnings_all$positive, ]
n <- nrow(earnings)
height_jitter_add <- runif(n, -.2, .2)

## model on original scale
#' ### Classical regression

#' **Model on original scale**
lm_0 <- lm(earn ~ height, data=earnings)

#+ heights1a, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE
# figure for the book, don't display in the report
pdf(here("Earnings/figs","heights1a.pdf"), height=8.5, width=11)
# plot linear model
pdf("heights1a.pdf", height=8.5, width=11)
plot(earnings$height + height_jitter_add, earnings$earn, xlab="height", ylab="earnings",
cex=.8, cex.lab=3, pch=20, cex.axis=3, yaxt="n", mgp=c(4,1.5,0),
Expand All @@ -29,7 +46,8 @@ abline(0,0,col="gray")
axis(2, c(0,100000,200000), c("0","100000","200000"), mgp=c(4,1.1,0),cex.axis=3)

# ggplot version
#+ fig1a
# plot linear model, ggplot version
gg_earnings <- ggplot(earnings, aes(x = height + height_jitter_add, y = earn)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.75) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "darkgray") +
Expand All @@ -39,8 +57,10 @@ gg_earnings <- ggplot(earnings, aes(x = height + height_jitter_add, y = earn)) +

#+ heights1b, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE
# figure for the book, don't display in the report
# plot extrapolation
pdf("heights1b.pdf", height=8.5, width=11)
pdf(here("Earnings/figs","heights1b.pdf"), height=8.5, width=11)
plot(xlim=c(0,max(earnings$height)), ylim=c(-70000,200000), earnings$height + height_jitter_add, earnings$earn, xlab="height", ylab="earnings", cex=.8, cex.lab=3, pch=20, cex.axis=3, yaxt="n", mgp=c(4,1.5,0), col="gray10", cex.main=3, main="Extrapolation")
abline(coef(lm_0), lwd=2)
Expand All @@ -49,30 +69,34 @@ intercept <- coef(lm_0)[1]
axis(2, c(intercept,0,100000,200000), c(round(intercept,-2),"0","100000","200000"), mgp=c(4,1.1,0),cex.axis=3)

# ggplot version, modifying the gg_earnings object we already created
#+ fig1b
# plot extrapolation, ggplot version, modifying the gg_earnings object we already created
gg_earnings +
ylim(-70000, 200000) +
xlim(0, 80) +
labs(title = "Extrapolation")

# include male/female
#' **Include male/female**
lm_1 <- lm(earn ~ height + male, data=earnings)
coef1 <- coef(lm_1)

pdf("heights2.pdf", height=8.5, width=11)
#+ heights2, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE
# figure for the book, don't display in the report
pdf(here("Earnings/figs","heights2.pdf"), height=8.5, width=11)
plot(range(earnings$height), range(predict(lm_1)), type="n", xlab="height", ylab="predicted earnings", cex=.8, cex.lab=3, pch=20, cex.axis=3, mgp=c(4,1.5,0), yaxt="n", col="gray10",
cex.main=3, main="Fitted regression, displayed as\nseparate lines for men and women", bty="l")
axis(2, c(20000,30000), cex.axis=3)
abline(coef1[1], coef1[2], col="red", lwd=2)
text(68, coef1[1] + coef1[2]*65, "women:\ny = -11,000 + 450x", cex=3, adj=0, col="red")
text(68, coef1[1] + coef1[2]*65, "women:\ny = -11 000 + 450x", cex=3, adj=0, col="red")
abline(coef1[1]+coef1[3], coef1[2], col="blue", lwd=2)
text(68, coef1[1]+coef1[3] + coef1[2]*65, "men:\ny = -2,000 + 450x", cex=3, adj=0, col="blue")
text(68, coef1[1]+coef1[3] + coef1[2]*65, "men:\ny = -2 000 + 450x", cex=3, adj=0, col="blue")

# ggplot version
#+ fig2
# include male/female, ggplot version
ggplot(earnings, aes(height, earn)) +
geom_blank() +
Expand All @@ -88,33 +112,36 @@ ggplot(earnings, aes(height, earn)) +
x = c(68, 68),
y = c(coef1[1] + coef1[2] * 65, coef1[1] + coef1[3] + coef1[2] * 65),
label = c("women:\ny = -11,000 + 450x", "men:\ny = -2,000 + 450x"),
label = c("women:\ny = -11 000 + 450x", "men:\ny = -2 000 + 450x"),
color = c("red", "blue"),
size = 5, hjust = 0
) +
x = "height",
y = "predicted earnings",
y = "predicted earnings",
title = "Fitted regression, displayed as\nseparate lines for men and women"

#' **Include interaction**
lm_2 <- lm(earn ~ height + male + height*male, data=earnings)
coef2 <- coef(lm_2)

pdf("heights3.pdf", height=8.5, width=11)
#+ heights3, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE
# figure for the book, don't display in the report
pdf(here("Earnings/figs","heights3.pdf"), height=8.5, width=11)
plot(range(earnings$height), range(predict(lm_2)), type="n", xlab="height", ylab="predicted earnings", cex=.8, cex.lab=3, pch=20, cex.axis=3, mgp=c(4,1.5,0), yaxt="n", col="gray10", cex.main=3, main="Fitted regression with interactions,\nseparate lines for men and women", bty="l")
axis(2, c(20000,30000), cex.axis=3)
abline(coef2[1], coef2[2], col="red", lwd=2)
text(62, coef2[1] + coef2[2]*80, "women:\ny = -7,000 + 180x", cex=3, adj=0, col="red")
text(62, coef2[1] + coef2[2]*80, "women:\ny = -7 000 + 180x", cex=3, adj=0, col="red")
abline(coef2[1]+coef2[3], coef2[2]+coef2[4], col="blue", lwd=2)
text(68, coef2[1]+coef2[3] + (coef2[2]+coef2[4])*66, "men:\ny = -22,000 + 740x", cex=3, adj=0, col="blue")
text(68, coef2[1]+coef2[3] + (coef2[2]+coef2[4])*66, "men:\ny = -22 000 + 740x", cex=3, adj=0, col="blue")

# ggplot version
#+ fig3
# include interaction, ggplot version
ggplot(earnings, aes(height, earn)) +
geom_blank() +
Expand All @@ -130,7 +157,7 @@ ggplot(earnings, aes(height, earn)) +
x = c(62, 68),
y = c(coef2[1] + coef2[2] * 80, coef2[1]+coef2[3] + (coef2[2]+coef2[4])*66),
label = c("women:\ny = -7,000 + 180x", "men:\ny = -22,000 + 740x"),
label = c("women:\ny = -7 000 + 180x", "men:\ny = -22 000 + 740x"),
color = c("red", "blue"),
size = 5, hjust = 0
) +
Expand All @@ -140,34 +167,37 @@ ggplot(earnings, aes(height, earn)) +
title = "Fitted regression with interactions,\nseparate lines for men and women"

#' ### Classical regression on log scale

# model on log scale
#' **Models on log scale**
earnings$log_earn <- log(earnings$earn)
logmodel_1 <- lm(log_earn ~ height, data=earnings)

earnings$log10_earn <- log10(earnings$earn)
display(lm(log10_earn ~ height, data=earnings))

logmodel_2 <- lm(log_earn ~ height + male, data=earnings)

earnings$log_height <- log(earnings$height)
loglogmodel_2 <- lm(log_earn ~ log_height + male, data=earnings)

logmodel_3 <- lm(log_earn ~ height + male + height:male, data=earnings)

#' **Model on log scale with standardized interaction**
earnings$z_height <- with(earnings, (height - mean(height))/sd(height))
logmodel_3a <- lm(log_earn ~ z_height + male + z_height:male, data=earnings)

#' ### Bayesian regression with rstanarm

#' **Bayesian model on log scale**
M_1 <- stan_glm(log_earn ~ height + male, data = earnings)
sims <- as.matrix(M_1)
n_sims <- nrow(sims)

postscript("", horizontal=TRUE)
#+ heights.log1a, eval=FALSE, include=FALSE
# figure for the book, don't display in the report
postscript(here("Earnings/figs",""), horizontal=TRUE)
plot(earnings$height + runif(n,-.2,.2), earnings$log_earn, xlab="height", ylab="log (earnings)", cex=.8, cex.lab=3, pch=20, cex.axis=3, yaxt="n", mgp=c(4,1.5,0), col="gray10",
cex.main=3, main="Log regression, plotted on log scale")
Expand All @@ -179,7 +209,8 @@ for (i in subset){
curve(coef(M_1)[1] + coef(M_1)[2]*x, add=TRUE)

# ggplot version
#+ fig.log1a
# Bayesian model on log scale, ggplot version
subset <- sample(n_sims, 10)
ggplot(earnings, aes(height, log_earn)) +
geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.25) +
Expand All @@ -198,21 +229,20 @@ ggplot(earnings, aes(height, log_earn)) +
title = "Log regression, plotted on log scale"


#' **Bayesian logistic regression on non-zero earnings**
fit_1a <- stan_glm(positive ~ height + male,
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
data = earnings_all)
sims_1a <- as.matrix(fit_1a)
sims_1a <- as.matrix(fit_1a

#' **Bayesian model on log scale**
fit_1b <- stan_glm(log_earn ~ height + male, data = earnings)
sims_1b <- as.matrix(fit_1b)

print(fit_1a, digits=2)
print(fit_1b, digits=2)

new <- data.frame(height = 68, male = 0)
#' **Predictions for a new person**
new <- data.frame(height = 68, male = 0, positive=1)
pred_1a <- posterior_predict(fit_1a, newdata=new)
pred_1b <- posterior_predict(fit_1a, newdata=new)
pred_1b <- posterior_predict(fit_1b, newdata=new)
pred <- ifelse(pred_1a == 1, exp(pred_1b), 0)

Binary file added Earnings/figs/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Earnings/figs/heights1a.pdf
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Binary file added Earnings/figs/heights1b.pdf
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Binary file renamed Earnings/heights2.pdf → Earnings/figs/heights2.pdf
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Binary file renamed Earnings/heights3.pdf → Earnings/figs/heights3.pdf
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Binary file removed Earnings/heights1a.pdf
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Binary file removed Earnings/heights1b.pdf
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