A bridge for exposing Laravel variables and routes inside vue components. It supports Vuex. For use with Multi Page Applications using multiple Vue components. The idea is to get the best of both, between what Laravel and Vue offers.
This package should be used with the VueBridge npm package (https://github.com/ianrothmann/VueBridgeJs).
composer require ianrothmann/laravel-vue-bridge
In config/app.php
Service provider
'VueBridge' =>IanRothmann\LaravelVueBridge\Facades\VueBridge::class
In your main blade file, before
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>
you should add
{!! VueBridge::scripts(get_defined_vars()) !!}
In your controller:
VueBridge::exposeVariables([array of variable names to expose]);
VueBridge::hideVariables([array of variable names to hide, all others will be exposed]);
In web.php or in middleware. Routes are hidden by default:
VueBridge::exposeAllRoutes(); //exposes all named routes
VueBridge::exposeRoutes(([array of route names]);
VueBridge::hideRoutes([array of route names]);
More documentation to follow later