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To have confidence this source code tree is the same as the binary on your device, you can rebuild it from source and get exactly the same bytes. This process has been automated using Docker. Steps are as follows:
Install Docker and start it.
Install make (GNUMake) if you don't already have it.
Checkout the code, and start the process.
git clone cd firmware/stm32 make repro
At the end of the process a clear confirmation message is shown, or the differences.
Build products can be found
. -
If you do not trust the results of
make repro
refer todocs/
which breaks down the process.
NOTE This is the master
branch and covers the latest hardware (Mk4).
See branch v4-legacy
for firmware which supports only Mk3/Mk2 and earlier.
Do a checkout, recursively to get all the submodules:
git clone --recursive
Already checked-out and getting git errors? Do this:
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master
Alternatively, to get the latest release, you checkout a tagged branch:
git clone
cd firmware
git checkout $(git describe --match "20*" --abbrev=0)
git submodule update --init --recursive
Do not use a path with any spaces in it. The Makefiles do not handle that well, and we're not planning to fix it.
Python 3.5 or higher and Homebrew is required.
You'll probably need to install at least these packages:
brew install sdl2 xterm swig
brew install --cask xquartz gcc-arm-embedded
Used to be these were needed as well:
brew tap PX4/px4
brew search px4/px4/gcc-arm-none-eabi
Then install the newest version, currently 83:
brew install px4/px4/gcc-arm-none-eabi-83
You may need to brew upgrade gcc-arm-embedded
because we need 10.2 or higher.
brew install automake autogen virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 ENV
source ENV/bin/activate (or source ENV/bin/activate.csh based on shell preference)
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
# apply micropython patch
pushd external/micropython
git apply ../../macos-mpy.patch
make -C external/micropython/mpy-cross
cd unix; make setup && make ngu-setup && make && ./
You may need to reboot to avoid a DISPLAY is not set
The next time you want to run the simulator, you can simply do
source ENV/bin/activate && cd unix && ./
cd ../cli; pip install --editable .
cd ../stm32; make setup && make; make firmware-signed.dfu
- The resulting file,
can be loaded directly onto a Coldcard, using this command (already installed based on above) ckcc upgrade firmware-signed.dfu
Which looks like this:
[ENV] [firmware/stm32 42] ckcc upgrade firmware-signed.dfu
675328 bytes (start @ 293) to send from 'firmware-signed.dfu'
Uploading [##########--------------------------] 29% 0d 00:01:04
defaults write org.python.python ApplePersistenceIgnoreState NO
will suppress a warning about Python[22580:10101559] ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched. New state will be written to...
You'll need to install these (Ubuntu 20.04):
apt install build-essential git python3 python3-pip libudev-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi libffi-dev xterm swig libpcsclite-dev python-is-python3
Install and run simulator on Ubuntu 20.04
git clone --recursive
cd firmware
# apply address patch
git apply unix/linux_addr.patch
# create virtualenv and activate it
python3 -m venv ENV # or virtualenv -p python3 ENV
source ENV/bin/activate
# install dependencies
pip install -U pip setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt
# build simulator
cd unix
pushd ../external/micropython/mpy-cross/
make # mpy-cross
make setup
make ngu-setup
# below line runs the simulator
Also make sure that you have your python3 symlinked to python.
Top-level dirs:
- shared code between desktop test version and real-deal
- expected to be largely in python, and higher-level
- new code found only on the Mk4 will be listed in
code exclusive to earlier hardware is
- unix (macOS) version for testing/rapid dev
- this is a simulator for the product
- test cases and associated data
- embedded binaries (and building), for actual product hardware
- final target is a binary file for loading onto hardware
- code from other projects, ie. the dreaded submodules
- images which ship as part of the final product (icons)
- 32k of factory-set code that you cannot change (Mk3)
- however, you can inspect what code is on your coldcard and compare to this.
- 128k of factory-set code that you cannot change for Mk4
- however, you can inspect what code is on your coldcard and compare to this.
- schematic and bill of materials for the Coldcard
files on "simulated" microSD card -
simulated emulated virtual Disk files. -
persistent settings for Simulator
Found a bug? Email: [email protected]