A work in progress repo to build a Scottish Health Index based on the indicators and methodology of England's Health Index.
For details about what each indicator is measuring, see the underlying indicators for the ONS Health Index for England.
Domain | Indicator | Year | Source | License | Indicator Code Added to R/ |
Data Added to data/ |
Healthy Lives | Alcohol Misuse | 2021-22 | Public Health Scotland | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of unique patient admissions per 100k population for alcohol-related conditions | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Drug Misuse | 2021-22 | Public Health Scotland | OGL 3 | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of drug related hospital stays per 100k population | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Healthy Eating | 2016-19 (most up to date data) | Scottish Health Survery | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of People that consume 5 or more fruit and vegetable portions per day | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Physical Activity | 2018-22 | Scottish Health Survey | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people that meet the recommended activity levels | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Sedentary Behaviour | 2018-22 | Scottish Health Survey | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people that meet the recommended activity levels | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people that with very low activity levels (<30 mins a week). |
Healthy Lives | Smoking | 2018-22 | Scottish Health Survery | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people that are current smokers | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Early Years Development | 2022-23 | Public Health Scotland | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of early childhood reviews with a concern in one or more developmental domains | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | National Five Attainment | August 2024 | SQA | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of A-C grade for Maths and English | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Pupil Absence | 2022 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of pupil absence per 1k students | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Young People's Education, Employment and Training | 2023 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of 16-19 year olds in education, training or employment | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Cardiovascular Conditions | 2022-23 | Public Health Scotland | PHS license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of discharges for cardiovascualr conditions per 1,000 | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Overweight and Obesity in Adults | 2016-19 | Scottish Health Survery | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of adults clinically classed as overweight and obese. | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Cancer Screening | 2020-2022 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of bowel cancer screening uptake. No recent data available on cervical or breast cancer screening. | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Child vaccination Coverage | 2022-23 | PHS | PHS License | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of vaccine coverage in children 6 and under | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Sexual Health | 2019 | Health Protection Scotland | PHS License | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of sexually transmitted infections (specifically chlamydia) per 100k | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Child Poverty | 2022-2023 | DWP | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of children living in absolute low income families | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Infant Mortality | 2017-2021 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of infant mortality per 1k population | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Low Birth Weight | 2020-22 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage babies born not at a healthy birth weight | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Overweight and Obesity in Children | 2019-20 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of children clinically classed as overweight, obese, and severely obese | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Teenage Pregnancy | 2019-2021 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Crude rate of teenage pregnancies per 1k females aged 15-19 | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Unemployment | 2021/22 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Estimated percentage of unemployed | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Job-related Training | 2023-24 | Annual Population Survey | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage received job related training | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | Workplace Safety | 2022-23 | HSE | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Rate of non-fatal workplace injuries per 100k employees | ✔️ |
Healthy Lives | High Blood Pressure | 2018-2022 | Scottish Health Survey | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of adults with high blood pressure | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Disability Impacting Daily Activities | 2022 | Census | OGL3 | ✔️ Percentage of people aged 16-64 with long-Term health problem/disability that limits daily activities by a lot of by a little | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Mental Health Conditions (previously depression) | 2021 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of population prescribed drugs for depression/anxiety/psychosis | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Frailty | TBC | NHS Scotland | TBC | ❌ Data unavailable | ❌ |
Healthy People | Self-harm | TBC | Scottish Health Survey | TBC | ❌ Data unavailable. | ❌ |
Healthy People | Suicides | 2018-2022 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Deaths by suicide, 16+, per 100,000 | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Mental Health Conditions | 2021-22 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage population prescribed drugs for anxiety, depression or psychosis | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Children's Social, Emotional and Mental Health | 2013 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ❌ Indicator not included. Data out of date for relevancy. | ❌ |
Healthy People | Avoidable Deaths | 2019-21 | NRS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Age-standardised avoidable mortality rates per 100k | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Mortality from All Causes | 2023 | NRS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Age/sex-standardised all mortality rates per 100k | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Healthy Life Expectancy - Men | 2019-2021 | ScotPHO | OGL3 | ❗ Indicator: Average healthy life expectancy for men and women combined. | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Anxiety | 2022-23 / 2020-21 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Average personal ratings on feelings of anxiety out of 10. To note: Orkney Islands data missing for 2022-23; 2020-21 data included instead. | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Happiness | 2022-23 / 2020-21 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Average personal measurement of happiness out of 10. To note: Orkney Islands data missing for 2022-23; 2020-21 data included instead. | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Life Worthwhileness | 2022-23 / 2020-21 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Average personal measurements of life worthwhileness out of 10. To note: Orkney Islands data missing for 2022-23; 2020-21 data included instead. | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Life Satisfaction | 2022-23 / 2020-21 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Average personal measurements of life satisfaction out of 10. To note: Orkney Islands data missing for 2022-23; 2020-21 data included instead. | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Cancer | 2019-21 | ScotPHO | ScotPHO license | ✔️ Indicator: Cancer registration rates per 100k | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Dementia | 2023-24 | Care Home Census | PHS license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of long-stay nursing care residents with dementia medically diagnosed | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Diabetes | 2022 | Scottsh Diabetes Survey | PHS license | ❗ Data only available at NHS Board level. To check at the end | ❌ |
Healthy People | Kidney Disease | NA | NA | NA | ❌ Data unavailable. | ❌ |
Healthy People | Musculoskeletal Conditions | 2016 | Versus Arthritis | PHS license | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people with musculoskeletal conditions (specifically rheumatoid arthritis) | ✔️ |
Healthy People | Respiratory Conditions: Asthma | 2021-22 | Public Health Scotland | PHS license | ❗ Data unavailable at LA level only at HB level. To review at the end. | ❌ |
Healthy People | Respiratory Conditions: COPD | 2021-22 | Public Health Scotland | PHS license | ❗ Data unavailable at LA level only at HB level. To review at the end. | ❌ |
Healthy Places | Private Outdoor Space | 2020 | ONS | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of addresses with access to private outdoor space | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Household Overcrowding | 2022 | Census | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of households experiencing overcrowding | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Rough Sleeping | 2023-24 | Scot Gov | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Rough sleepers per 100k | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Distance to GP Services | 2024 | SIMD | OGL3 | ✔️ Median travel time to nearest GP service | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Distance to Pharmacies | 2024 | OpenStreetMap | ODbL 1.0 | ✔️ Median travel time to nearest pharmacy | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Distance to Sports or Leisure Facilities | 2024 | OpenStreetMap | ODbL 1.0 | ✔️ Indicator: Median travel time to nearest sports centre | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Low Level Crime | 2023-24 | Scot Gov | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Low level crime per 10k | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Personal Crime | 2023-24 | Scot Gov | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Personal crime per 10k | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Air Pollution | 2023 | DEFRA | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Air pollution, population weighted annual mean PM2.5 | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Noise Complaints | NA | NA | NA | ❌ Data does not exist | ❌ |
Healthy Places | Road Safety | 2022 | DFT | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Number of people seriously injured or killed by km^2 | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Road Traffic Volume | 2023 | DFT | OGL3 | ✔️ Indicator: Total traffic volume per year | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Internet Access | 2022 | Scottish Household Survey | OGL3 | ❗ Indicator: Percentage of households with home internet access. Review at the end. Data for Moray and South Ayrshire mising. | ✔️ |
Healthy Places | Noise complaints | NA | NA | NA | ❌ Data does not exist | ❌ |
Healthy Places | Patients offered acceptable GP practice appointments | 2023-24 | Health and Care Experience Survey | NA | ✔️ Indicator: Percentage of people who rated their GP practice as positive for the care provided | ✔️ |