This is tricore clang frontend. When I learn tricore llvm, I cannot find the matched frontend. So I just add some patches, it work with tricore-llvm project. Enjoy yourself.
// main.c
int main()
int a_int;
a_int = 1;
char b_char;
b_char = 'c';
short c_short;
c_short = 1;
long d_long;
d_long = 2;
long long e_ll;
e_ll = 3;
struct x {
char x_a;
char x_b;
struct x x_struct;
x_struct.x_a = 3;
#ifdef __TRICORE__
int pi;
pi = 2;
int* p;
p = &a_int;
return 0;
To produce llvm IR
$ clang --target=tricore -c main.c -S -emit-llvm -o main.ll
or produce assemble file
$ clang --target=tricore-unknown-linux-gnu -c main.c -S -o main.s
Huizhan Yi