This is a plugin for the EMQ broker to store mqtt clients logging info, PUBLISH messages.
> git clone
> cd emq-relx
> vi Makefile
DEPS += emq_persist_redis
dep_emq_persist_redis = git master
> make
> cd _rel/emqttd && ./bin/emqttd console
> vi etc/emq_persist_redis.conf
## Redis server configure
persist.redis.server =
persist.redis.database = 0
persist.redis.password = ""
## Logging LIST(per client) length
persist.redis.log_list_length = 10
## PUBLISH LIST(per topic) length
persist.redis.pub_list_length = 100
## client SET name
persist.redis.client_set = client_set> LRANGE client1 0 -1
| 1) "DISCONNECTED at 2018-03-13 19:01:14 Reason: normal" |
| 2) "UNSUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:31:53 Topic(s): {topic4|local}" |
| 3) "SUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:31:51 Topic(s): {topic4|0|local}" |
| 4) "UNSUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:20:08 Topic(s): {topic3|$queue}" |
| 5) "SUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:20:07 Topic(s): {topic3|0|$queue}" |
| 6) "UNSUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:19:40 Topic(s): {topic2|$share|group3}" |
| 7) "SUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-13 11:19:39 Topic(s): {topic2|0|$share|group3}" |
| 8) "UNSUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-12 11:01:12 Topic(s): {test0} {test1} {test2}" |
| 9) "SUBSCRIBE at 2018-03-12 11:01:12 Topic(s): {test0|0} {test1|1} {test2|2}" |
| 10) "CONNECTED at 2018-03-12 11:01:09 Result: Connection accepted" |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+> LRANGE sensor 0 -1
| 1) "2018-03-12 11:02:43 PUBLISH Message(Q2, R0, D0, PktId:3, From:client1, Payload:msg3)" |
| 2) "2018-03-12 11:02:42 PUBLISH Message(Q2, R0, D0, PktId:2, From:client1, Payload:msg2)" |
| 3) "2018-03-12 11:02:40 PUBLISH Message(Q2, R0, D0, PktId:1, From:client1, Payload:msg1)" |
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+> SMEMBERS mqtt_client_set
| 1) "client1" |
| 2) "client2" |
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