MyDiary is an online journal where users can pen down their thoughts and feelings.
- Users can create an account.
- User can sign in.
- Users can view all entries to their diary.
- Users can view the contents of a diary entry.
- Users can add entry.
- Users can modify an entry.
- Users can delete an entry.
- Users can set and get daily notifications that prompt them to add an entry to their diary.
- HTML 5 - a standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
- CSS 3 - a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML.
- Javascript - JavaScript is a client scripting language which is used for creating interactive web pages.
google chrome for viewing web pages
Visual studio code for text editing
- git clone
- cd /MyDiary
OPEN Link and start navigate through different pages.