Code repository for the above titled paper. In notebook, we provide a step-by-step guide to reproduce the results of Tm in the paper.
- Tg: Glass transition temperature; Eg: Band gap; Tm: Melting temperature; Td: Decomposition temperature.
- Tg^EXP: represents out-of-distribution experimental Tg data from journal papers.
- Tg^MD: represents out-of-distribution Tg data derived from MD simulations in the PoLyInfo.
- Neural network ensemble: Pytorch
- Gaussian process regression (GPR): GPy
- Monte Carlo dropout (MCD): Pytorch
- Mean-variance estimation (MVE): Pytorch
- Bayesian neural network (BNN): Pytorch
- Evidential deep learning (EDL): Pytorch, Chemprop
- Morgan fingerprint with frequency (MFF): Considering the number of substructures
- Mean and standard deviations for polymer properties
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Calibration
More details can be found in the paper.