Tags: hms-dbmi/avillachlab-jenkins
[ALS 7387] (#146) * Refactor Jenkins Terraform destroy scripts. Updated Terraform destroy logic to streamline stack deregistration and destruction. Removed function checking EC2 instance VPC matching, and consolidated IP fetching and handling for more efficient operations. Upgraded Jenkins plugins and added JDK specification. * Add Jenkins jobs for WildFly deployment and updates This commit includes new Jenkins jobs for deploying the WildFly container to an existing WildFly EC2 and a work-in-progress job for in-place WildFly container deployment. It also introduces triggers for 'PIC-SURE Dictionary Weights' and updates the plugin versions and repository URL configuration for 'PIC-SURE Dictionary' jobs. * Add Jenkins job to deregister unhealthy target group IPs This new job identifies unhealthy instances in staging and live target groups and deregisters them. It leverages AWS ELB target health checks and custom scripts for execution. A pre-build cleanup wrapper is also configured to maintain a clean workspace. * Update error handling and plugin version in Terraform job Replaced failure exit code with success (0) when no stack is found in the target groups for better behavior. Updated the ws-cleanup plugin from version 0.47 to 0.48 for improved compatibility or fixes.
Refactor job configurations and add new helpers (#139) Refactored various Jenkins job configurations to improve clarity and consistency, notably renaming `PIC-SURE-HPDS-UI` to `PIC-SURE-Frontend`. Added new jobs for dictionary configuration and frontend upload. Introduced `AWSHelper` groovy library for AWS operations. Updated Dockerfile with PostgreSQL client installation commands.
[ALS-7304] BDC Auth users cannot view all of the new studies that hav… …e been added from the past 2-3 months (#133) * Add new Jenkins jobs for database management Introduced three new Jenkins jobs: "Database - Copy" for copying databases, "Database - Dumb" for backing up schema, and "Database - Drop Schema" for dropping tables. Each job includes necessary parameters and shell scripts to manage database operations securely and efficiently. * Add new database management functions Added `drop_all_tables`, `backup_schema`, and `copy_database` functions to enhance database management capabilities. * Delete obsolete 'Delete Databases - Testing' Jenkins job Remove the configuration file for the 'Delete Databases - Testing' Jenkins job as it is no longer needed. This cleanup helps to maintain a tidy repository and avoid confusion with unused jobs. * Dyslexia * Add uno-choice plugin * Add new functions for WildFly token update and schema management Introduced new functions to update WildFly tokens, manage schemas, and handle database operations more efficiently. Added functionalities include backing up and restoring schemas, dropping schemas, and monitoring Docker logs for application startup. As part of these changes, new scripts were created and old methods were updated or replaced. * Fix misnamed database secret variable and update script paths Corrected the misnamed `$database_admin_user_secret_name` to `$database_root_user_secret_name` across multiple scripts. Also updated default parameter value and paths in "Production Fix - Privileges" job configuration. * Disable automatic table drop in Database Migrations job Set DROP_PICSURE_TABLES parameter to false to prevent accidental table drops during the production database migrations. This aims to ensure database integrity by avoiding unintended data loss.
Update terraform vars in Teardown and Rebuild job Added new RAS variables to the Teardown and Rebuild Stage Environment configuration. This includes ras_client_id, ras_okta_idp_id, ras_idp_provider_uri, and login_redirect_uri for enhanced environment setup.
[ALS-6103] Add new parameters to Jenkinsfile config.xml New parameters 'DATASOURCE_URL', 'DATASOURCE_USERNAME', and 'STACK_SPECIFIC_APPLICATION_ID' were added to the Jenkinsfile config.xml. These parameters provide configuration values such as the database host and application ID, which are essential for different stages in the Jenkins pipeline.