De-Enigma project using Flipper2.
Install Java JDK 8 (
Install GIT ( and GIT-LFS (
Install Apache ANT (
Install an Apollo server ( On Windows, I recommend to install it as a service so that it starts in the background automatically.
The tablet apps automatically attempt to connect to a hardcoded IP address: Make sure the Apollo server is running and is accessible on this IP, and both the Apollo PC and the tablets are connected to the same WIFI network.
- Go to empty dir where you want to install, for example: cd ~/UTwente
- git clone
- git clone
- git lfs pull
Please download and install the "Apollo" version of the adult and child tablet apps. The apps can be downloaded from here:
- ant resolve
- ant compile
Edit the file /DE-ENIGMA-F2/resource/ and change the following line: apolloIP=
Edit the file /DE-ENIGMA-F2/resource/ and change the following line: mechio_ip=
Edit files /DE-ENIGMA-F2/resource/behaviours/P2/animationAudioBehaviour.xml and /DE-ENIGMA-F2/resource/behaviours/P2/audioBehaviour.xml.
- To switch to English, change the placeholder for the audio file path to: audio/P2/EN/$speak1$.wav
- For Serbian, change the placeholder to: audio/P2/SR/$speak1$.wav
- Start an Apollo server (see Apollo documentation). If you installed Apollo as a service, you may skip this step.
- Double-click the executable file: /DE-ENIGMA-F2/UTLauncher.vbs
- A GUI pops up with two buttons:
- Press the "Start all modules" button to start Mechio, ASAP and Flipper
- Press the "Stop all modules" button to stop them again
- Start the child and adult tablet apps, they should connect automatically
- Start an Apollo server (platform dependent, see Apollo documentation)
- Start the UTwente launcher: ant run -Drun.main.class=starters.UTStarterStopper
- To launch the modules automatically when the GUI appears, start the UTwente launcher with the --autorun parameter: ant run -Drun.main.class=starters.UTStarterStopper -Drun.argline="--autorun"
- A GUI pops up with two buttons:
- Press the "Start all modules" button to start Mechio, ASAP and Flipper
- Press the "Stop all modules" button to stop them again
- Start the child and adult tablet apps, they should connect automatically