Door Open Detection using DOODS, TensorflowLite and Home Assistant
- Detect open/closed status of a door using a camera feed
- Connect to Home Assistant, enable automations based on state of the door
- Can be run without a Google Coral, i.e. on a normal CPU
- This is a simple dashboard to monitor the training / accuracy of your new model
- Can I run two add-ons using the Edge TPU at the same time? e.g. Doods + Frigate? I tried and it appears the answer is no. I had Frigate running and tried starting Doods with TPU, can't detect TPU. Stop Frigate, start Doods --> All OK. So, appears TPU is exclusive to one add-on at a time.
- Camera facing the door (provides RTSP stream)
- Home Assistant -
- DOODS v2 Add-on -
- Tensorflow Lite model from Teachable Machine (Google)
- To get all this running, I suggest going step by step and getting the following working
- Home Assistant up and running
- Sample data (images) captured
- Model created with Teachable Machine
- DOODS add-on started and running with your model
- Home Assistant sensors created
- Home Assistant Automations created
- Home Assistant is installed and working
- Sample data has been captured (see Home Assistant section below)
- Tensorflow Lite model has been created with Teachable Machine
- DOODS v2 is installed and working with your model
- Camera captures image
- Image is processed by DOODS
- Sensors are updated in Home Assistant
- Note, using Teachable Machine is easier - see below
- If you want to use Google Colab to train your model, here is a Juypter Notebook which worked for me link
- Using Teachable Machine You will create a model from Teachable Machine
- Create a model with two classes, open and closed
- Use the training data (open/closed photos) you have collected with Home Assistant (Gather training data with Home Assistant)
- Make sure you have plenty of images, the more the better
- Export a Tensorflow Lite Quantized model
- Upload the model files to where you have DOODS running
- You should have two files labels.txt & model.tflite
- labels.txt looks like this:
0 closed
1 open
- model.tflite is a binary file
- The models from Teachable Machine have been placed in \192.168.x.x\share\models\tflite-quant
- Add-on configuration:
- name: garagedoortf
type: tflite
modelFile: /share/models/tflite-quant/model.tflite
labelFile: /share/models/tflite-quant/labels.txt
hwAccel: false
labelsStartFromZero: true
If DOODS has loaded your model correctly, you should see something like this in the logs
2023-08-09 11:31:33,274 - doods.doods - INFO - Registered detector type:tflite name:garagedoortf
2023-08-09 11:31:33,320 - uvicorn.error - INFO - Started server process [7]
2023-08-09 11:31:33,321 - uvicorn.error - INFO - Waiting for application startup.
2023-08-09 11:31:33,321 - uvicorn.error - INFO - Application startup complete.
2023-08-09 11:31:33,322 - uvicorn.error - INFO - Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Doods has a handy GUI where you can check your model is loaded and working correctly
This is what you get if you click Detect Image
- And this is Detect JSON
- There are a few steps here, first is to capture the input data to train your model
- First, create a camera which is focussed on the area you want to monitor, in this case, the door
- Teachable Machine expects a square shaped input, so make sure the height/width are the same
- platform: proxy
entity_id: camera.ha_prod_home_front
mode: crop
max_image_height : 650
max_image_width: 650
image_left: 102
image_top: 1182
- I've created an automation to take a snapshot every minute
- You will want to run this for a couple of days to gather enough training data
- Also, try to open/close the door now and then so you can get samples of both
- Take these snapshots and sort them into open/closed - you will upload this to Teachable Machine later
alias: Timelapse - home Front
description: ""
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: /1
condition: []
- service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: camera.camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front
filename: >-
/media/timelapse/daily/front/{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d") }}/front_{{
now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") }}.jpg
mode: single
- Call DOODS via the image processing integration
- The below will send the image to Doods every 10 seconds
- The labels will need to be the same as you set in Teachable Machine
- platform: doods
scan_interval: 10
url: ""
timeout: 20
detector: garagedoortf
- entity_id: camera.camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front
- /config/www/doods-garagedoor.jpg
- name: closed
- name: open
- Image Processing will give you a sensor that looks like this:
- score: 25500
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- score: 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
open: 1
closed: 1
total_matches: 2
process_time: 0.05038406798848882
friendly_name: Doods camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front
- In order to work with the above, we will create some sensors with just the data we want
- DoodshomeGaragePersonClosed / DoodshomeGaragePersonOpen - these are the confidence scores for open/closed
- We've also created doods-garage-persondoor which is going to show open/closed/unknown based on the confidence score, you can fine-tune this to match your desired confidence level
- sensor:
- name: "DoodshomeGaragePersonClosed"
# state: {{ state_attr(image_processing.doods_camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front, 'matches') }}
state: "{{ state_attr('image_processing.doods_camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front', 'matches')['closed'][0]['score'] }}"
unit_of_measurement: 'confidence'
- name: "DoodshomeGaragePersonOpen"
# state: {{ state_attr(image_processing.doods_camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front, 'matches') }}
state: "{{ state_attr('image_processing.doods_camera_proxy_camera_ha_prod_home_front', 'matches')['open'][0]['score'] }}"
unit_of_measurement: 'confidence'
- sensor:
- name: "doods-garage-persondoor"
state: >
{% if states('sensor.filtered_doodshomegaragepersonclosed')|float > 22950 %}
{% elif states('sensor.filtered_doodshomegaragepersonopen')|float > 22950 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
icon: >-
{% if states('sensor.filtered_doodshomegaragepersonclosed')|float > 22950 %}
{% elif states('sensor.filtered_doodshomegaragepersonopen')|float > 22950 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- The above will create sensors that look like this:
With this model, 25500 is the maximum, i.e. 100% confidence
I want to smooth the sensor in order to avoid spikes/troughs , so I've created yet another sensor
For more details on options here, check the documentation
- platform: filter
name: "filtered DoodshomeGaragePersonClosed"
entity_id: sensor.doodshomegaragepersonclosed
- filter: lowpass
time_constant: 10
- filter: time_simple_moving_average
window_size: "00:05"
precision: 1
- platform: filter
name: "filtered DoodshomeGaragePersonOpen"
entity_id: sensor.doodshomegaragepersonopen
- filter: lowpass
time_constant: 10
- filter: time_simple_moving_average
window_size: "00:05"
precision: 1
- This will create sensors that look like this
- You might want notifications when something happens, here I am sending a notification via Telegram, including a snapshot of the current camera status
alias: Doods - Notify
description: ""
- platform: state
- sensor.doods_garage_persondoor
to: null
condition: []
- service: notify.notifytelegram
message: >-
{{trigger.entity_id}} has changed from {{ trigger.from_state.state }} to
{{ trigger.to_state.state }}
title: Doods
- service: telegram_bot.send_photo
authentication: digest
file: /config/www/doods-garagedoor.jpg
caption: >-
home {{trigger.entity_id}} has changed from {{
trigger.from_state.state }} to {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
mode: single