You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 97
Trigger file download
filename - string
: the filename -
data - string
: the contained data
download: function (filename, data) {
Clear an object
Deletes all the object attributes. Useful when needing to clear an object without invalidating references to it
obj - object
: the object to clear
clearObj: function (obj) {
Preform an AJAX request. Same syntax as jQuery.
p - object
: options-
url (string)
- the URL to call -
type (enum)
- the type of request -
dataType (enum)
- the type of data expected -
success (function)
- function to call on success -
error (function)
- function to call on request fail -
data (object)
- the payload -
autoFire (boolean)
- wether or not to fire the request right away
on(event, callback)
: Listen for event - returnsfunction
: Can be called to unbind the listener-
, The event to listen for -
, Function to call when the event is emitted
: when there's an error -
: when the request succeeded
- interface to the request
ajax: function (p) {
Generate a uuid
Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/create-guid-uuid-in-javascript
- a UUID string
uuid: function () {
Map an array to an object
arr - array
: the array to map
- an object with the array contents as keys, and their value set to true
arrToObj: function (arr) {
Make a camel back string pretty
Transforms e.g. imACamelBackString
to Im a camelback string
str - string
: the input string
- the transformed string
uncamelize: function (str) {
Clamp a number between min/max
min - number
: minimum value -
max - number
: maximum value -
value - number
: the value to clamp
- the clamped value
clamp: function (min, max, value) {
Convert a hex value to RGB
hex - string
: the hex string
- an object with rgb components
hexToRgb: function (hex) {
Invert a color
hex - string
: the color to invert
- new hex color
invertHexColor: function (hex) {
Return #FFF or #000 based on the intensity of a color
hex - string
: input color
- the new hex color
getContrastedColor: function (hex) {
Convert a string to a bool
what - string
: the string to convert
- the resulting bool
toBool: function (what) {
Set a property based on -- delimited path
obj - object
: the object to modify -
path - string
: the path to the attribute to change -
value - anything
: the value to set -
index - number
: if we're accessing an array, this is the index
setAttr: function (obj, path, value, index) {
Get a property based on -- delimited path
obj - object
: the object to traverse -
path - string
: the path to the attribute to get -
index - number
: if we're accessing an array, this is the index
- the value or false
getAttr: function (obj, path, index) {
Deep merge two objects.
Note: this modifies object a
a - object
: the destination object -
b - object
: the source object
- argument a
merge: function (a, b) {
Check if something is null or undefined
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if nulll
isNull: function (what) {
Check if something is a string
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if string
isStr: function (what) {
Check if something is a number
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if number
isNum: function(what) {
Check if a value is a function
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if function
isFn: function (what) {
Check if a value is an array
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if array
isArr: function (what) {
Check if a value is a boolean
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if bool
isBool: function (what) {
Check if a value is a basic type
A basic type is either a bool, string, or a number
what - anything
: the value to check
- true if basic
isBasic: function (what) {
Set an option
Skip value
to get the value
option - string
: the option to set -
value - anything
: the value to set
- the option value
highed.option = function (option, value) {
Add a function to call when the document is ready
fn - function
: the function to call
highed.ready = function (fn) {
Log something
Accepts a variable amount of arguments after level
which will be
the log message (similar to console.log
level - number
: the log level 1..4
highed.log = function (level) {
Set the current log level
level - number
: the current log level
highed.setLogLevel = function (level) {
Include something
what - string
: URL to a css or javascript file -
fn - function
: function to call when done including the script -
asCSS - boolean
: force including as css
highed.include = function (what, fn, asCSS) {
Returns true if running on a phone
- true if running on a phone
highed.onPhone = function () {
Event dispatcher object
Constructs an instance of an event dispatcher when called.
var events = highed.events();
events.on("foobar", function() {
console.log("Hello world!");
on(event, callback, context)
: Listen to an event - returnsfunction
: function that can be called to unbind the listener-
, the event to listen for -
, the function to call when the event is emitted -
, the calling context (`this` reference) for the callback
: Emit an event - returnsnumber
: The number of events dispatched-
, the event to emit
highed.events = function () {
Upload and parse a local file
Borrowed from almostvanilla which is licensed under MIT.
props - object
: the upload settings-
type (string)
- the type of data to load -
accept (string)
- the accepted file extensions -
multiple (boolean)
- allow multiple files -
progress (function)
- progress callback-
{number} (number)
- the progress in percent -
success (function)
- function called when the file is uploaded-
{object} (object)
- the file information-
filename (string)
- the name of the file -
size (number)
- the size of the file in bytes -
data (string)
- the file data
highed.readLocalFile = function (props) {
Get a localized string based on the current global language
id - string
: the ID of the string to get
highed.getLocalizedStr = function (id) {
Set the active langauge
lang - string
: the language to activate
- true if the language exists, and was applied
highed.setLang = function (lang) {
Install a new template
highed.installTemplate("custom", {
title: "My company template",
tooltipText: "Company template: requires no particular data",
config: {
"chart--title": "Copany Chart"
type - string
: template type:line area column bar scatter pie polar stock
def - object
: the template definition-
title (string)
- the template title -
config (object)
- the highcharts attributes -
tooltipText (string)
- the tooltip text
highed.installTemplate = function(type, def) {
Add a new template type
If the type allready exists, nothing will happen
highed.addTemplateType("custom", "My company templates");
type - string
: the type id -
title - string
: the title as it appears in the category list
highed.addTemplateType = function (type, title) {
Add a set of templates
highed.installMultipleTemplates([ {
type: "line",
template: {
title: "My Line Template",
config: {}
} ]);
templates - array
: an array of templates
highed.installMultipleTemplates = function (templates) {
Check if a node is visible
node - domnode
: the node to check
isVisible: function (node) {
Append a set of nodes to another node.
Arguments supplied after the @param {} target represents the children to append.
target - object
: the node to append to
- the target
ap: function (target) {
Create a set of options for a select
select - HTMLSelect
: the dropdown to add options to -
options - (array|object)
: the options as an array or as an object keyed on ID -
selected - number
: the index of the selected option
options: function (select, options, selected) {
Show a node when another is hovered
parent - object
: the node to listen for the hover on -
child - object
: the node to show when the parent is hovered
showOnHover: function (parent, child) {
Create a new HTML node
type - string
: the type of node to create -
cssClass - string
: the css class to use for the node -
innerHTML - string
: the inner html of the new node -
id - string
: the id of the new node
- the new dom node
cr: function (type, cssClass, innerHTML, id) {
Style a node
nodes - (object|array)
: the node to style. Can also be an array -
style - object
: object containing style properties
- whatever was supplied to @param {} nodes
style: function (nodes, style) {
Attach an event listener to a dom node
target - object
: the dom node to attach to -
event - string
: the event to listen for -
callback - function
: the function to call when the event is emitted -
context - object
: the context of the callback function
- a function that can be called to unbind the handler
on: function (target, event, callback, context) {
Get or set the value of a node
node - object
: the node to get the value of -
value - (string|bool|number)
: the value to set
- the value
val: function (node, value) {
Get the size of a node
node - object
: the node to get the size of
- the size as an object {w, h}
size: function (node) {
Get the position of a node
node - object
: the node to get the position of -
abs - boolean
: absolute calculation rather than parent relative
- the position as an object {x, y}
pos: function (node, abs) {
Find a node
node - object
: the node to find. Either a string or an actual node instance
- the node or false if the node was not found
get: function (node) {
Stand-alone Usage
- Enable Advanced Customization
- Choosing Which Options to Include
- Adding Custom Templates
- Plugins
- Disabling Editor Features
- Adding Fonts
- Custom Templates
- Localization
- Sticky Chart Options
API Reference