Event driven app that mirrors order processing in a brew bar based on AWS resources managed via terraform
- Public gateway used for providing public access for placing Orders, can also plug in to an identity provider for authorizing clients/users.
- To enable clients to register events without changing backend code, you can send client events to EventBridge via an API Gateway
- The internal AWS API Gateway performs validation on published events. It supports Draft 4 of JSON Schema and plug the schema into an API endpoint in order to reject any requests that don’t conform to the schema.
- The event bus has a rule to dispatch order events to the delivery lambda. You can only create scheduled rules using the default event bus
- EventBridge has a hard limit on the event size at 265 KB
The apps are built using esbuild
and packaged with zip
as detailed here
make build APP=orders
make build APP=delivery
The infrastructure and apps are deployed using terraform
# Provision the stack
make stack APPLY=true
# Tear down
make destroy-stack
cd provisioning
curl "$(terraform output -raw orders_api_url)/orders"
Pre requisites - Install pipenv
python3 -m pip install --user pipenv
Run load test
# get ORDERS_API_ID by loading terraform output make output # Terraform out put looks like: # orders_api_url = "https://e60e2y07o4.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/brewbar # run the load test make loadtest ORDERS_API_ID=e60e2y07o4