- 使用Bert-base-Chinese,对微博评论数据集进行情感分类,分别是[积极/消极]。
- [2023/7/27] The script train.py supports parse arguments. Now you can run the train.py in CLI with the arguments you set
pip install -r requirements.txt
使用WeiboSenti100k数据集,该数据集包含在./dataset。 该数据集包含10万条中国微博帖子,每条帖子都被标记为正面或负面。
run the CLI
python train.py <Args>
accelerate launch train.py <Args>
- -o, --output_checkpoints=OUTPUT_CHECKPOINTS Default: './checkpoints' "the dir where you want to save checkpoints ."
- -m, --model_path=MODEL_PATH Default: 'bert-base-chinese' "name of huggingface repo or a local model dir"
- -d, --dataset_path=DATASET_PATH Default: './dataset/weibo_se... "the dataset dir"
- -l, --learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE Default: 2e-05
- -b, --batch_size=BATCH_SIZE Default: 80
- -e, --epoch=EPOCH Default: 5
- --weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY Default: 0.02
- --warmup_ratio=WARMUP_RATIO Default: 0.2
- -u, --use_gpu=USE_GPU Default: '0' "the indexes of gpus you want to use. such as "0,1,2","0","1,3,6" etc."
python inference.py -s "There input your sentence." # Inference for single sentence.
python inference.py -i True # Continuous inference.