Food Planner is an Android application designed to help users explore global meals from around the world. The app allows users to search for meals, view daily meal suggestions, explore meals by country and category, and view detailed meal information. Users can also add meals to their favorites and weekly meal plan, which is automatically reset every week to allow new meal planning. The app works offline, allowing users to access their favorite meals and weekly plan even without an internet connection.
- Search for meals: Find meals by name or ingredient.
- Daily meal suggestions: Get suggestions for meals for the current day.
- Meals by country: View meals from a specific country by selecting from a list of countries.
- Meals by category: Explore meals by their respective categories (e.g., beef, chicken, etc.)
- Meal details: View detailed information about each meal including ingredients, instructions, and more.
- Favorites: Save your favorite meals to access them later.
- Weekly plan: Add meals to your weekly plan, which resets every week.
- Offline mode: View your favorites and weekly plan even without an internet connection.
- Retrofit - For making API requests to fetch meal data from a remote server.
- Gson - For parsing JSON data received from the API.
- Glide - For loading and displaying images in the app.
- Coroutines - For managing asynchronous tasks and ensuring smooth user experience.
- Room - For local data storage, storing favorites, and weekly plan data.
- Navigation Component - For smooth navigation between fragments.
- Material Dialogs - For showing custom dialogs and bottom sheets.
- Lottie - For adding animations to the app.
- On the home screen, you can search for meals by name or ingredient.
- On the home screen, you can view a random meal suggestion for the day.
- View meals by selecting a country from the list of countries or by meal category.
- Tap on a meal to see its details including ingredients and instructions.
- Add meals to your favorites by clicking the heart icon.
- Plan your meals for the week, which will automatically reset every week.
- View your favorite meals and weekly plan even when offline.