Small little app to create, store and share business model canvas amongst your BizDev pals.
This is a quick personal experiment. Use it at your own risk.
Before running this app, you will need:
- The Ruby language (version 1.9.3)
- Rails 3.2
- A working installation of MongoDB (version 1.6.0 or newer)
See Installing Rails 3.2 for detailed instructions and advice.
If you don’t have MongoDB installed on your computer, you’ll need to install it and set it up to be always running on your computer (run at launch). On Mac OS X, the easiest way to install MongoDB is to install Homebrew and then run the following:
brew install mongodb
Before installing the application, you may wish to contact the service provider you’ll use to obtain any required API keys. The example assumes you will be using Twitter.
Visit to register your application. When you register your application, use the following values:
Application Website | Callback URL | Notes |
---|---|---| | | http://localhost:3000/ doesn’t work |
Visit to register your application.
Visit to register your application.
If you make improvements to this application, please share with others.
- Fork the project on GitHub.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- Commit with Git.
- Send the author a pull request.
If you add functionality to this application, create an alternative implementation, or build an application that is similar, please contact me and I’ll add a note to the README so that others can find your work.
Many thanks to Rails3 Mongoid Omniauth project for creating rails templates that rock.
Public Domain Dedication
This work is a compilation and derivation from other previously released works. With the exception of various included works, which may be restricted by other licenses, the author or authors of this code dedicate any and all copyright interest in this code to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this code under copyright law.