This is a non conforming replica of the original OMCB website. The major difference is that we do not send full state updates periodically. There are some other differences, but this is the primary one.
Because this project not going to get as much traffic as the original one (or any real traffic at all), we have a bot script that can mimic a large number of connected clients
The API is written in go. It uses for websockets. The event server is based on the chat server example from coder/websocket.
To run the API you can
cd api/
go mod tidy
go run . localhost:8000
# Or
air localhost:8000
The frontend is written in React. It is not built using CRA. To run the frontend you can
cd frontend/
npm i
npx parcel index.html
The bot is written in go. It create 1000 clients by default and starts sending 1 event per client per second.
cd bot/
go mod tidy
go run .