Goal is to create a dashboard so that the user could easily visualize the song attributes and its effects on the popularity score
This was the initial step in our project as we wanted to see which attribute would have the most impact on the popularity score
Dashboard at the bottom of the "Visualizations.ipynb" has 4 tabs
- Popularity by Year and Genres - See the recency bias effect between year and popularity
- Genre Attributes on Popularity - Broad 3D visualizations on popularity to attributes
- Song Attributes on Popularity - Heat maps to show the overall trend between popularity and song attributes
- Customizing Attributes - Allows the user to play around with visualizing the data/ grouped by popularity and year
- Songs created before 1960 had very low popularity score so removed from dataset
- Only columns which clearly respresnted the songs were used
- We splited data into 14 input X values to predict 1 output y value
- Used Standard scaler to scale and transfrom X
- Initailized Neural Networks with 4 hidden layes
- Compiled & Fitted Model
- Model statistic shows a p-value less that 0.05
- Plot show loss getting lesser in Trainning
- Plot show loss between Training & Testing
- Actual popularity vs Predited popularity from model is closer
Ran our test/train data for four classification type models:
- Deep Learning
- Gradient Boosting
- Decision Trees
- Random Forest
Ran summary statistics to receive an accuracy score for each model
- Most accurate model was Random Forest
Similarly to the step above, ran our test/train data for four Scaler Types:
- MinMax
- Standard
- RobustScaler
- QuantileTransformer
Ran summary statistics to receive an accuracy score for each scaler
- Most accurate model was StandardScaler
- Collected data manually by choosing a sample of 5 songs from each popularity score category
- Spotify pay-per-stream: up to $0.00437
- Apple pay-per-stream: up to $0.00735
The following are some interesting observations that can only be explained by Spotify's secret algorithm for popularity scores.
Some songs that have well-known artists but a lesser play count still seem to receive higher popularity scores. Ex: Wabash Cannonball by Johnny Cash - play count 521,601. Other songs with popularity score 40 had 1.6-2.4M plays
Holiday Music has a much greater # of plays than other songs with the same popularity score. Ex: Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! had 306M plays while others with the same popularity score of 50 had around 6-11M plays
Multiple songs with the same title (cover music, featuring other artists.) This was most prevalent with classical music and seasonal or holiday music
Multiples of the same songs repeated in different albums/collections - many have different play counts
Created a revenue prediction widget to utilize our model
Key audio features can be adjusted by sliders
Deep learning model is executed by a button press
The popularity score is converted to a dollar amount and displayed
Musicians and record producers could utilize this tool to fine tune audio features and maximize streaming revenue from Spotify
Revenue Prediction Widget