- Create a Machine Learning model that predicts if a loan for an applicant will be approved.
- Implement the model using pipelines.
- Create an API using Flask and pickle files to predict if the new applicant will get the loan approved.
- Deploy the API in AWS Cloud and test using Python test file.
- Married applicants have a better chance of getting a loan.
- Are male applicants more likely to get a loan?
- Applicants with a credit score are more likely to get a loan.
- Applicants with co-applicant are more likely to get a loan.
These could be tested using the means and comparing the datasets.
I compared them using graphs and tables.
I found null values that were fixed using mean, median and logic according to data values.
The values for the income and loan amount were skewed. I used the log to get a more normal distribution.
For more details, go to section 2 of this notebook.
Completed null values with mode for categorical variables such as Gender and Self Employed.
For other categorical values, the values were completed using the following logic:
- For Married, all the Null became No.
- For Dependents, all the Nulls became 0.
- For Credit History, all the Null became 0.
For numerical variables:
- Loan Amount Term I used the mean according to its data distribution.
- I used the median for Loan Amount because the data was skewed (right-tailed).
For more details, go to section 3 of this notebook.
Transformation of variables Loan Amount and Combined Income (combination of Applicant and Co-applicant Income) into log values to handle a better distribution.
Transform categorical variables into dummies for better handling on the ML model.
For more information, go to section 3 of this notebook.
I also implemented pipelines to handle all the transformation in the second part of the project. For more information, go to section 5 of this notebook.
- Used Random Forest Classifier as the algorithm for my implementation.
- The result without running hyperparameter tuning was:
Accuracy: 72.36%
Best hyperparameters: {'model__criterion': 'log_loss', 'model__max_depth': None, 'model__min_samples_leaf': 3, 'model__min_samples_split': 3, 'model__n_estimators': 10}
Best accuracy score: 79.67%
- Deployed in AWS EC2 server.
- Created an app in Flask on the AWS server.
- Created a test file in python to test the implementation.
The model implemented with pipelines and optimization got an accuracy of 80.49% in loan approval prediction.
The implementation of AWS
- Results from Amazon instance
- I had to change the port on my Flask application because the AWS instance was not responding properly with the default port.
- Implement another ML model to review if I can get better results.
- Create an interface to interact with the end user.
- Analyze the hypotheses created with more detail.