We will be creating a calendar view that displays streak information for a given user. Utilizing the provided base code, create an app that mimics the UI in the following image:
- The data must be dynamic and must come from the provided API endpoint: https://hallow.com/interview/activity.json
- The stream of days should be broken up into weeks to display
- Every day with a streak should be displayed as a piece of the streak. For single day streaks it should be a circle, otherwise whatever component makes up the greater streak.
- Each month should show the month label on top of it
We use a few non-standard libs in this project - here are some helpful links:
- Epoxy: https://github.com/airbnb/epoxy
- Kovenant: https://github.com/mplatvoet/kovenant
- Most of the base code has been provided for you in this repository, take a look around and familiarize yourself with the available classes / extensions. Feel free to use as much or as little as you would like.
- Read through all TODOs and look through all folders before starting