I use VSCODE + VIM plugin as I got tired of maintaining Neovim running properly and since I could never really got rid of doing certain things in VSCode such as debugging, jupyter notebooks, etc.
My dotfiles for karabiner (60% keyboard layout), tmux, fish and everything configurable. Setup for web development (React with TypeScript), Go, Lua and Rust on macOS Monterey.
Managed with Dotbot.
I am mostly using VSCode terminal these days with Tmux + Fish and iTerm2 for macOS.
- goku + karabiner elements for making 60% keyboard layout usable
- Install brew
- Install fish:
brew install fish
- Install omf and
omf install z
- Tmux plugin manager (q+i to install plugins)
- Brew packages:
brew install asdf fish fzf fd bat git-delta ripgrep tmux yarn htop google-cloud-sdk terraform
- Install FiraCode font patched with icons for iTerm
- Generate and setup ssh key if needed https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent
- install karabiner
brew install karabiner-elements
- install goku
brew install yqrashawn/goku/goku
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
if needed for goku
- make sure karabiner profile is named
- run
once to generate karabiner config
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf install nodejs 18.xx.x
(latest lts)- update
by runningasdf global nodejs 16.xx.x
(latest lts)
- Install Go
- Adjust GO fish_variables if needed
asdf plugin add elixir
brew install pyenv
- Fkill
- Bluetooth Controller
- Localhost
- VSCode Workspaces
- Alfred Emoji
- Restart Wifi
- Alfred NightShift
- Switch Appearance
- Where to get fonts?
- How to chagne default shell to fish?
- How to setup git key signing with gpg?