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Open GPS-tracker

Open GPS-tracker is a GPS-tracking-thing written in JavaScript and some PHP. It uses a MySQL database to save tracking data.


###Tracking app:

gps.htm & gps.js - the tracking app, to be run on a GPS-enabled device. Sends location data on a set interval to:

save.php - recieves tracking data and puts it in the database.


serve.php - reads tracking data and returns it in a format readable by the viewer.

/viewer/viewer.php & /viewer/viewer.js - reads serve.php repeatedly and puts its contents on the map.


What you need: a web server with PHP-support.


  1. Upload the files to your server.
  2. Edit config.php with your config.
  3. Create a table as per database.sql


  1. Browse to gps.htm on your GPS-enabled device. Enter an ID and start tracking.

###Viewing a track:

  1. Custom maps (optional): Custom maps can be added. You need to reproject the map to spherical mercator with gdalwarp. Edit viewer.js to match your map. If you don't want a custom map you will have to comment out various lines.
  2. Go to /viewer/viewer.php and enjoy the tracking goodness.


A web based GPS-tracker.







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